Floodline 0345 988 1188 Incident Hotline 0800 80 70 60
Recent flooding
What can you do now?
What local support is available?
If you have been impacted by flooding and it is not possible to remain in your home, your
local authority may be able to help with temporary rehousing. They may also be able to
assist with other welfare issues or offer financial support. www.gov.uk/find-local-council
Report Flooding
We understand it is a difficult time when people are affected by flooding, however if your home or
business has flooded, please make sure you report it as close to the event as possible:
Reporting flooding helps agencies to respond and prioritise recovery efforts, and helps capture the true
costs of a flood, building a case for future interventions.
If you are insured, contact your insurance provider as soon as possible. You may need to make your
home safe, however, do not carry out any works that will prevent your insurer from assessing the
property damage if they need to.
Look at the details of your insurance policy. As part of Flood Re’s Build Back Better scheme, some
insurers will pay an extra £10,000 as part of your claim for flood repairs, for adaptations to your
property that could reduce future flood impacts. Find out more: www.floodre.co.uk/buildbackbetter/
If you’re not insured, contact your local council or charities such as National Flood Forum 01299
403055 www.nationalfloodforum.org.uk, to find out if there are any grants or other support available. If
your property is rented, your landlord is responsible for flood damage repairs to your home.
For more information on recovery, insurance and what to do if you’re not
insured, Flood Mary has an excellent step-by-step guide:
Check with the emergency services that it’s safe to return to your property.
Do not turn on your water, gas or electricity. Get your utilities company or a qualified engineer
to check they are safe before turning them back on.
Cleaning up
Keep records and take photos of the damage before cleaning up and follow your insurers advice.
Anything that’s been exposed to floodwater will be contaminated, so careful steps should be taken to
look after your health. However, many items will be salvageable and can be reused if appropriate clean
up steps are taken.
Advice on drying out and cleaning items can be found here: