Edition 577 March 2025
Printed courtesy of Mrs Annette Haynes as a service to the community
Please email your entries for the April 2025 issue to: ThePennant@mail.com by 21st March 2025
Bradford Abbas Art Exhibition, 5th-6th April, 10.00am – 5.00pm
At The Old Mill House, Bradford Abbas (behind the school)
This will be the second exciting art exhibition held by the artists of Bradford Abbas. The first exhibition
in November 2023 was very well received and a great success. As well as many of the artists who exhibited last time, we now have several new artists, resident in the village or with Bradford Abbas connections,
who will be showing their original and interesting work here for the first time……and if there are any more artists in the village who would like to exhibit their work we would love to hear from you. Most of the works will be for sale.
You are warmly invited to visit what promises to be another wonderful exhibition showing the amazing talent that thrives in this village. There will be a £3 entry charge. Tea, coffee and cakes will be available to purchase. 20% of any art sales and all proceeds from the raffle, refreshments and entry charge will go to the Bradford Abbas Church Heating Fund.
Simon Cain O’Grady, one of our brilliant artists, has once again kindly donated an original oil painting,
‘The Magnolia Tree at Yew Tree Cottage’, to be raffled in aid of the church heating fund.
Also generously donated by Simon will be an ‘en plein aire’ oil painting of a view looking towards Wyke Farm, and ALL the proceeds on the sale of this painting will go toward the church heating fund.
If you cannot make the exhibition but would like to buy raffle tickets, they are available from Simon 07590 834708, Squish Harris 07789 354341 or Jenny Thomas 01935 706419. Any offers of cakes for refreshments
would be gratefully received. Offers to Jenny or Tricia. Thank you.
So, bring your family and friends and enjoy this event in the studio at The Old Mill House and our thanks
go once again to Valda Baker for hosting this event, which will be a cheerful welcome to Spring.
The Bradford Abbas Artists. Please contact Squish Harris, email: squisharris@gmail.com.
Saturday 1st March (in aid of the Church Heating Fund)
An evening of fabulous entertainment with something for everyone……
Featuring Iain Houston on saxophone with the Jazz Standards Trio, and Wendy Partridge on guitar with Amicale, a trio of friends who love to perform and entertain together, two with guitar and flute, and the other a master storyteller. 1st March in the village hall, Bradford Abbas.
Doors open 6.30pm. £10 entrance. Wine & soft drinks and pulled pork rolls available to buy. Raffle.
Come along to enjoy an evening of great entertainment and to support a much-needed cause.
Tickets available from church members or Alan Fall tel: 01935 425747.
St Mary’s Community Trust
Sunday 9th March – THE BIG BREAKFAST
Join us between 9am and noon for a delicious cooked breakfast in the church.
Profits from this event will be given to the church heating fund.
We have moved the date of our Spring event to the Sunday before the late May bank holiday. This year we’re a-fixing to go with a hillbilly theme. Pull on your jeans and check shirts and join us for an exciting evening of entertainment in the church, including a set by the Moonshine Hillbillies. Yee haw! There will be a bar and hot food. Reserve the date in your diary now and tell your friends.
See you soon.
Jo, Alan, Rob, Ruth, Trevor and Gary, The ST MARY’S COMMUNITY TRUST team
Rose and Crown, Bradford Abbas
Upcoming events in March:
- Pancake Day - Tuesday 4th: join us from Tuesday-Saturday for a selection of sweet & savoury pancakes
- Gin and Karaoke Night - Sat 15th from 7.30pm
- Mother's Day - Sunday 30th, reserve your table for our Sunday Carvery
- Grill Nights- every Wednesday and Thursday evening from 5.30pm
- Takeaways - all dishes from our menu are available for takeaway
- Carvery- these are extremely popular, reserve your table to avoid disappointment
- Meat Draw- every Sunday at 4.30, tickets are available all week for £1
- Look out for our Quiz Nights and OAP menu coming soon
Future Dates (Further details will be announced in the April Pennant).
- A children's Easter egg hunt on Saturday 19th April from 2pm- 4pm
- Easter Hamper and Children's colouring competition
- We have the fabulous Gen X on the evening of Saturday 19th April.
Medium Night: Thursday 1st May Tanya Burns and her guest are returning to the Rose and Crown. This is a ticket only event, pop in or contact us to secure your seat, tickets will be £10.
We look forward to seeing you all soon, Arran and the Team at the Rose and Crown
Chatty Craft
The first meeting of Chatty Crafters was a great success, thanks to all who attended and the Rose & Crown for accommodating us.
The next meeting is on Friday, 21st March, between 2-4 pm at the Rose & Crown and thereafter the third Friday of the month. For further information, please contact Brenda Gosney on 07970159093 or Sue Gully 07812430092 ; 01935 471901.
The Friendship Club
Our next meeting is at 2.00pm, Tuesday 4th March at Bradford Abbas Sports and Social Club. There is Bingo, a small draw, Tea & Biscuits and a chance to have a chat and laugh with fellow villagers. New members will be warmly welcome. Our meetings are always on the first Tuesday afternoon of the month.
Monday Night Bingo
Every Monday at 6.45pm with eyes down at 7.15pm. at Bradford Abbas Sports and Social Club. Everyone 18 and over are welcome to our weekly light-hearted evening which also includes a small draw and a chance to win the SNOW BALL and of course a laugh and chat, we finish just before 9.00pm.
Bradford Abbas Classic Car Show – Save the date!
Saturday 19th May 2025 (in aid of Church Heating Fund)
CLASSIC CAR SHOW. VE Day celebrations. Tombola. Plant Sale. Teas in village hall. Pub open all day. More to follow!
Anyone wishing to show their classic car please contact Graham White before 19th April on 01935 471814 or 07724 720398 after 6pm any day. Leave a message if not at home.
WATCH THIS SPACE in next month’s Pennant!
St. Mary’s Church, Bradford Abbas
CHURCH HEATING – As readers of The Pennant know, we are trying to raise £50,000 to install a modern heating system into the church. One way in which anybody can help is to take home one of our “spare change” jars. Why not pop into the church any Saturday morning to collect a jar and someone will be able to talk you through how the scheme works. (It isn’t complicated!) Any contribution you might be able to make or any help you can offer in other ways will be gratefully received.
We have more events coming up to help the heating project...
Saturday 1st March AN EXTRAVAGANZA OF JAZZ AND BEAUTIFUL MUSIC featuring “Iain Houston and the Jazz Standards Trio” and “Amicale”. We’ll have a wine bar and food available to buy. Donations of prizes for the raffle will be gratefully received. Tickets are £10 and at the time of writing we still have a few left. Contact Alan Fall (01935 425747) to get yours.
Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April Art Exhibition – see above.
Saturday 10th May CAR SHOW along Church Road, featuring classic and vintage cars. If you own a car which you would like to bring to the show, please contact Graham White who will be happy to give you details (07724 720398). We will also need help to man barriers at each end of the site and to collect donations / entry fees. If you would like to volunteer, please speak to Graham or Jenny Thomas or Gary Siggins.
Sunday 15th June SHERBORNE MARKET - We have a stall at the Sherborne Sunday market, selling items made by Bradford Abbas folk. Find us on Half Moon Street, just in front of the Abbey. Please come along to the market that day and buy something from us.
- SUNDAY 2ND MARCH 10am Morning Worship (lay-led)
- SUNDAY 16TH MARCH 10am Holy Communion (led by George Moody)
- SUNDAY 6TH APRIL 10am Morning Worship (lay-led)
- SUNDAY 20TH APRIL (EASTER DAY) 9:30am Holy Communion (led by George Moody)
On Sundays when we are without a service here in Bradford Abbas, we encourage villagers to take in a service at one of our neighbouring churches. There is always a list of these on display in the church porch.
Sherborne Bradford Abbas Camera Club
- Tuesday March 11th: “--- Why Monochrome”, a talk by Peter Carter who is a southwest based photographer. His work can be viewed on www.petercarterphoto.net
- Tuesday March 25th: Macro and Close Up competition (digital and prints), judged by Norman Marsh.
All meetings are in the Village Hall starting at 7.30. All welcome.
Further information at sbacameraclub.co.uk
Yeovil Railway Centre at Yeovil Junction
This year we are celebrating 200 years since the first passenger train ran on the Stockton and Darlington Railway on September 27th 1825, a momentous occasion. National and International events will be looking at the past, present and future of our railways. We will be having our own celebration with a special weekend of events on 27 and 28 September
Back to the present:
- Sunday 16 March: Steam Train Day with Peckett 0-4-0 Pectin and our coach, travelling along the ex GWR branch line. First train at 11am, also turntable demonstrations at 12.40 and 2.30pm
- The coach is wheelchair accessible via a ramp for standard size wheelchairs.
- Sunday 30 March: Steam Train day with Pectin, details as above. There will be the appearance of a character at regular intervals
further information www.yeovilrailway.freeservers.com
Bradford Abbas Parish Council
Good news about East Farm footpath at Saxon Maybank!
Following applications to re-open the footpath at East Farm as a right of way (T474) a public inquiry took place in December 2024 (Planning Inspectorate ROW/3323995: Footpath 8, west north-west of East Farm, DT9 6JN). Having reviewed all the evidence and interviewed witnesses, the Inspector concluded that it is a public footpath and therefore should be reinstated as such. The Parish Council has informed the Rangers
in the Greenspace Team at Dorset Council, who are responsible for enforcement issues on rights of way. A huge thank you to everybody concerned with this, especially Cllr Diane Coffin and Vanessa Penny from Dorset Council, and also to all those of you who provided evidence to the inquiry.
Temporary road closure – We have been notified that Underdown Hollow, from junction with A30 to junction with Farm Road (in both directions), a distance of approximately 690 metres will closed 17th March 2025 until 19th March 2025. The closure has been requested to allow a private tree company to undertake tree maintenance work.