Apologies for Absence
Minutes of the Meeting 02.02.2016
Declaration of Interests
Report from the Planning Committee
Planning applications
WD/D/15/002498 (Amended Plans) – 7 Wessex Drive, Bradford Abbas. The sub-division of the plot and the erection of a detached dwelling with associated access and parking to the rear. -
WD/D/16/000095 – Virginia Cottage, North Street, Bradford Abbas. Removal of existing conservatory link extension and construction of new extension and alterations. Replacement of Living Room Floor. (Full)
WD/D/15/001178 - The Grange, Bradford Abbas. Change of use to a wedding venue. (Application withdrawn November 2015)
Tree Applications
West Dorset District Council Planning Notifications
Affordable Housing
Design Statement
Matters Arising / Actions Taken
Village shop
Country Councillor, District Councillor and Officer Reports
Finger Posts
Any other Highways Matters
Report from the Playing Field Committee
Playing Field Rota Inspection Reports
Re-Surfacing and Repairs
Playing Fields Boundary to include new gate
Grants and Donations
Financial Accounts to include accounts for payment
Financial Regulations
Risk Assessment
Asset Register
Future Audits
Items for the Pennant
Any other information for April Agenda
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 5th April 2016
7:00pm in the Bradford Abbas Village Hall Committee Room
8:00pm Annual Council Meeting
Meeting time
Agenda for Ordinary Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Agenda text
Agenda status