Meeting Minutes: 5 September 2023
Prior to the start of the meeting the Chairperson, Cllr Hillier, noted that the Clerk is unwell and unable to attend the meeting. It was agreed the Tricia Chapman (TC) would take the minutes for this meeting.
Present: Cllrs L Bennett, P Clark, S Hillier (Chair), Iain H, S London and J Thomas (Vice Chair)
In attendance: Cllr R Legg and T Chapman
- Welcome & to receive apologies for absence
Cllr S Hillier welcomed the Councillors to the meeting and apologies were accepted from Cllr D Coffin
- To receive declarations of interests
There were no declarations of interest.
- To approve the minutes from the Ordinary Parish Council Meetings held on 4th July 2023
The minutes were approved by the Councillor's present and signed by Cllr S Hillier (Chairman) as a true record of the meeting.
Public period for comments and issues on the agenda (up to 15 minutes allocated for electors, residents in the parish or adjoining parishes to comment on any items to be discussed for decision.) No public attendance
- To discuss Dorset Council planning applications and decisions.
a) P/LBC/2023/02184 3 The Cross, Bradford Abbas to move the bathroom upstairs - Granted.
b) P/HOU/2023/03486 3 Westbury Bradford Abbas - To erect a single storey extension (demolish existing conservatory) - Granted.
c) P/LBC/2022/06262 Wistaria Cottage - replace existing thatched roof to porch and replace with aged red clay tiles - Appeal APP/D1265/Y/23/3320651 written representations. It was resolved the Parish Council will provide written representation in favour of the change, supporting the appeal. Cllr L Bennett will look for a photo of E Garretts book and forward the information to the Clerk. Cllr S Hillier stated Cllrs could also write independently. Action: Cllr L Bennett & Clerk
d) P/CONS/2023/00147 The homeowners residing in The Old Post Office have applied to Royal Mail to resite the postbox from their house. The Royal Mail has proposed installing a post box on Churchwell Street between the phone box and litter bin. (Coordinates: Easting 358820; Northing 114298). This application will not be a public consultation. Cllr R Legg noted one planning officer is in favour of the reciting. Cllr S Hillier requested a show of hands, and it was agreed, nem con, to object to the proposed resiting. The objections will include the historical value of the current post box and its position, it will change the front of the house that is in a conservation area and the increased traffic and lack of parking on Churchwell Street near the proposed post box. Cllr I Houston suggested an item or survey was put on the website noting the request and possible change.
Cllr R Legg stated he has alerted planning enforcement to the coaches parked in residential property on the corner of Old Compton Lane and the A30.
- To receive officer reports
Trees: Cllr D Coffin was not present, nothing reported
Rights of Way: Cllr S Longdon noted that they are in decent working order and he has reported a damaged footpath that has now been replaced.
Village Hall: Cllr L Bennett reported the ladies toilets have been replaced and the committee is keeping an eye on fuel costs as the government scheme is no longer in place.
CLT: The Parish Council does not have a representative for the CLT.
- To receive an update from working groups
a) Telephone Box Working Group: Cllr J Thomas announced in the autumn it will feature crime and murder mysteries. A possibility of an art expo to take place that will feature local artists to raise funds. Cllr S Longdon had noted the horseshoe bookend was arm taken. It has now been replaced and fixed to the phone box. It was suggested, and agreed, to put an item in the Pennant thanking John preparing the bookend twice. Cllr J Thomas will write a thank you note.
b) Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Cllr J Thomas reported the objectives and policies have been formulated. The 6 policies are Community Services & Facilities,
Climate Change and Water Management, Housing and Planning, Traffic Road Safety and Transport, Environment and Business Services and the Economy. The applications for funding will be submitted later this month and the working group are hoping to have a public meeting in November.
c) Website Working Group Cllr I Houston is happy to maintain the technical side of the website such as security updates and certificates. The Pennant editor has kindly offered to add any articles that the Parish Council wish to see as an item to the website. The Councillors agreed this is acceptable as she already has access to the latest news area of the website to add the monthly pennant.
- To receive updates concerning DMMO applications (Unclassified Roads)
a) DMMO T725 Gollops Ground update
TC noted at least 10% of the original individuals that supplied evidence for the application wrote to Dorset Council (DC) to request prioritising the application. In February the application was prioritised however, the Parish Council was not made aware of this until July. DC informed each request that they hope to begin investigating the application the second half of 2024. TC noted, from her experience, there has been many years of lack of transparency and communication with ROW department. She suggested the PC could contact the Dorset Councillors who has planning responsibility, make the MP aware of the situation or contact the secretary of state to complain about the poor planning performance within DC’s ROW. It was resolved in the first instance the Parish Council will write to Rights of Way (ROW) supporting the letters sent by residents to DC requesting the team is more transparent and reprioritises the application.
Action: Clerk
- To discuss any highways issues
Cllr D Coffin emailed costs for making up two new fingerposts with the help of the Dorset Fingerpost, that work in conjunction with Dorset APNB, between £460 and £480. The oak would need to be treated and painted ready for attaching to the posts at a cost. The oak could, possibly, be sourced free of charge. It was proposed by Cllr I Houston and seconded by Cllr S Longdon and agreed (nem con) expenditure would not exceed £750 in total allowing for any other work that maybe required. Cllr S Longdon will contact Cllr D Coffin to start the process. Action: Cllr S Longdon
- Playing field
a) Inspection reports from volunteers
The bin was damaged and removed near the Westbury gate. Recently one of the picnic tables was dismantles and thrown over the fence onto the railway embankment, red paint(?) was put down the slide and litter scattered all over the park. New offensive graffiti was added to the skate park. TC will report this to the police and alert the PSCO. TC will cover up the names on the skate ramp and clean the slide. The litter has been removed and disposed. TC moved the 3 way cockerel rocker to the shed as it was no longer attached to the base. Action: TC
Cllr S Longdon & P Clark will check the removal of the 3 way rocker is not hazardous to anyone using the playing fields. Action: Cllrs S Longdon & P Clark
b) Picnic Bench
It was suggested an item is added to the website and The Pennant requesting if residents wish to have the picnic table replaced, they should contact the Parish Council. (Cllr I Houston left the meeting)
TC noted that the hedges along Westbury are very overgrown and in need to trimming back away from the road. She also suggested the overgrown trees/ shrubs near the shed are also very overgrown as they are covering signage and leaning against the adjacent house. The Clerk will organise the work to be done either through KM Dike or Toomer Tree Services. Action: Clerk
- Financial Accounts
a) To consider any grants and/or donation requests
The Clerk passed on a request from the Life Education Bus to support the costs visiting local primary schools teaching them essential life skills in a fun interactive way. It was resolved not to support this cause at this time.
It was agreed to contribute to the annual amounts to the:
- Village Hall Committee for broadband approximately £170
- St Mary’s Church for churchyard maintenance £600
b) To consider August and September payments
(I do not have a copy of this but will request it from Sandra to be added)
- Correspondence received
Correspondences were discussed earlier in the meeting.
- Suggested Dates for Future Meetings. Tuesday 2nd January 2024 (?), 23rd January (Budget Setting), 5th March 2024, 2nd April Annual Parish Meeting, 7th May 2024, 2nd July 2024, 3rd September 2024, 5th November 2024
It was agreed not to proceed with the meeting on 2nd January and move to the end of January. TC noted the hall is not available Tuesday 23rd January but a meeting could be held on Monday 22nd January at 7:30pm. It was resolved to hold the January meeting on the 22nd.
- Items for The Pennant
- playing field damage and whether to replace the bench
- graffiti reported to the police
- post box objection
- Thank you for all that sent notes in, prioritised to second half of 2024. The Parish council is writing to request it is reprioritised.
- Any other Information / Date of the Next Meeting
Tuesday 7 November 2023 at 7pm
Meeting Closed 8:50pm
Financial information for 5th September 2023 meeting
Current Account
£9695.65 Account Balance reported at 4th July Meeting
£187.60 Clerk Salary (4) July
£169.39 K M Dike Inv 1708
£169.39 K M DIKE Inv 1659
£169.39 K M Dike Inv1683£4000.00 Transferred to Deposit Account
£162.88 K M Dike Inv 1636
£63.00 Computer Support (screen malfunction payable to S Hillier)
£469.20 Clerk salary Month 2 & 3
£150.00 Internal Audit
£140.40 HMRC re PAYE
£128.00 Hall Hire – 16 hours
Direct Debits
£0.25 AWS EMEA – hosting August
£3885.9685 Account Balance as at 27th August 2023
Deposit Account
£13,394.42 account balance reported at 4th July Meeting
£9.10 Interest Paid
£4000.00 Transfer in from Current Account
£10.90 Interest Paid
£17414.42 Account Balance as at 27th August 2023
£21300.62 Total in all accounts
Proposed payments
£187.60 Clerk salary (5) August
£169.39 KM Dike Inv 1740
£187.60 Clerk salary (6) September
£45.00 Mark Hopkins (Repair goal posts and add nets)
£589.59 Total