Present: Cllr Robin Legg, Cllr Peter Clark, Cllr Sally Jenkins also in attendance retiring Chairman Stephen Hillier.
Apologies for absence: Cllr Jenny Thomas, Cllr Diane Coffin, Cllr Dave Furby, Cllr Jo Barber.
Welcome: The retiring Chairman welcomed Councilors to the meeting. It was noted that the meeting was quorate and could therefore proceed. The retiring chairman thanked those Councillors who had retired at the recently held elections for their service to the community. They will be missed. He welcomed the new Councillors to the Council and wished them an enjoyable term of office.
Election of Chairman to the Council. One nomination had been received in writing for Cllr Legg and seconded. Proposer; Cllr Thomas, Seconder Cllr S Jenkins Cllr Legg accepted the nomination. There were no other nominations. Cllr Legg was duly elected. On accepting the position Cllr Legg made it clear that it was not his intention to remain Chairman for the whole term of the Council and hoped that one of the new Councillors would step forward in the future.
Acceptance of Office: Cllr Legg duly signed the acceptance of Office.
Election of Vice Chairman: There had been one nomination received for Cllr Thomas which had been seconded. Proposer Cllr Jenkins, Seconder Cllr Clark. There were no other nominations and Cllr Thomas was duly elected.
Acceptance of Office: Cllr Thomas would be asked to sign the Acceptance of Office prior to the next meeting.
Civility and Respect Pledge: The Clerk noted that the documentation regarding the Civility and Respect Pledge had been circulated and that Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils had recommended that Councils readopted the pledge as it was now a new Council. This was duly agreed and the pledge was signed by the Chairman.
It was proposed by the Chairman that appointments to Working Groups and outside bodies be deferred until the next meeting.
The Chairman also noted that at the elections Mr Clegg had been unsuccessful in his bid to become a Councillor by the narrowest of margins and that t would be unfortunate to lose his enthusiasm and knowledge of the village. The Chairman suggested that Mr Clegg be invited to attend meetings as a village representative without voting rights. This was seconded by Cllr Clark and the Clerk was instructed to write to Mr Clegg to this effect.
To consider Annual Payments: The Clerk requested that the annual payment to Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils, website payments and to the Information Commissioners Office be approved. Agreed.
Financial Accounts Payments were up to date having been approved by e-mail (copies retained.) New signatories on the account were required. Cllr Clark and Cllr Legg agreed to be added to the mandate.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.15pm A new meeting would be arranged for June in order to conclude the unfinished business and look at any new business as required. The suggested date was Tuesday 11th June at 7.00pm. The Clerk would check if the Hall was free and confirm the date with Councillors