Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 7.00pm in Bradford Abbas Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Robin Legg (Chairman), Jenny Thomas, Sally Jenkins, Peter Clark and Jo Barber, Diane Coffin
Others Present: Mrs S Hillier (Parish Clerk) and 1 members of the Public
1 Welcome and receive apologies: The Chairman welcomed Councillors and the member of the public to the meeting. Cllr Furby had tendered his apologies for absence which was accepted by the members present.
2. Declarations of Interest: A general dispensation from declaring an interest was made to all Councillors when considering item 7b and 7c the Budget and Precept for 2025-2026 There were no other declarations of interest.
3. To approve the minutes of meetings held on 5th November 2024: They had been circulated to Councillors Cllr Thomas requested slight amendments to Item 4 to add that there was a very full attendance by members of the public, particularly from within the village, also to Item 13 Tree Officer report there was a ’t’ missing from cut. It was agreed that these amendments be made. The minutes were then agreed by those present. Proposed Cllr Thomas Seconded Cllr Coffin and signed accordingly.
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes: a) Defibrillator check, this had been completed and reports received. A check list would be designed for completion when checks are made. Company be asked to suggest frequency of official checks and also to provide replacement pads for those nearing expiry. Clerk to contact St Mary’s Charitable Trust re financial support.
b) Web Site and e-mail address. DAPTC would be ceasing to provide the present e-mail address of bradfordabbas@dorset-aptc.gov.uk Agreed to contact Hugo Fox re providing a new .gov.uk address. Bradfordabbas-pc@gov.uk was suggested as a possibility. Clerk to make enquiries.
c) Blackberry Solar Farm Update - no application as yet. An Environmental Impact Assessment had been requested. There had been more publicity on line and the opposition group had conducted a successful walk to raise awareness. In December there had been some major flooding of the area close to the River Yeo and photographs were available. CPRE have a campaign to support rooftop solar in the ‘Sunshine Bill’ (www.cpre.org.uk) asking people to write to their MP re the siting of solar panels on roofs.
d) T474 East Lane footpath - Cllrs Furby and Coffin had attended the hearing and the Inspector was to make a further unaccompanied visit to the site as a consequence of the evidence provided. 5 objectors and 5 supporters gave evidence. The Inspector will then consider the outcome.
e) Atlas Tower Group – Dorset Council awaiting response from affected Parish Councils to the possible meeting – increasingly it is looking like a face to face meeting probably in Sherborne.
5. Public period for comments and issues. a) Had there been any more communication regarding the re-siting of the Gollops Ground footpath? Nothing received by Clerk.
b) When investigating web site please remember that the Village Hall uses the site for bookings via Google Mail.
6. To consider any Planning Applications and Decisions. There were no new applications to be considered. Cllr Legg noted that an officer of Dorset Council had indicated that a response of ‘No Objection’ was taken as a negative response.
7.Financial Accounts. a) The list of payments due had been circulated. These were agreed unanimously be Councillors. Proposed Cllr Legg, seconded Cllr Coffin.
b) A proposed budget had been circulated for discussion. It was agreed to continue to support the Wriggle Bus, especially as it was hoped that there would be a weekly service from Bradford Abbas in the future. An increased amount was proposed for hedge/verge cutting. Quotes had already been requested for the Westbury hedge. The budget with these amendments was agreed unanimously
c) It was agreed to raise the precept by 2.6% in line with inflation. Goods supplied were increasing at a fast rate and it was important to maintain reserves so that they could be earmarked for replacement defibrillators if needed and also replacement play equipment. An increase of 2.6% represent a increase of £1.18per year per Band D equivalent household. Proposed Cllr Legg Seconded Cllr Thomas – agreed unanimously
8. Maintenance of Hedges and Verges – Cllr Legg had proposed an increase to this line in the Budget which had been accepted. It was suggested that a note be included in Pennant reminding residents of their responsibilities regarding their hedges and ditches.
9.Safer Streets and Roads in Dorset – Several Councillors attended the Zoom presentation by the 20’s plenty group. The Neighbourhood Plan Group are keen to pursue the idea as part of the project. There would be cost implications for new signage and the need for speed surveys covering the centre of the village. Dorset has a policy of supporting 20mph zones but only has £75k for the whole county. It was proposed by Cllr Thomas seconded by Cllr Jenkins that a village ‘Verge Day’ be arranged to tidy up verges around the village and the money allocated in the Budget for verges be transferred to cover the cost of speed surveys agreed unanimously.
10. Yeo Valley Trail – A proposal had been received for an Active Travel Infrastructure Trail to run from Milborne Port to Sherborne, to Bradford Abbas, to Yeovil with a spur to Thornford. Much of its length would be alongside the railway. At present the proposers were requesting support in principle. A feasibility study would be required that Parish and Town Councils may be asked to contribute towards in the future. It was agreed to support in principle but there was no commitment to funding at his stage.
11. Reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies as necessary – a) Village Hall – Cllr Jenkins had been appointed Chair of the Village Hall Committee, The Playgroup had requested a meeting.
b) Finger Posts – 2 had been obtained and Cllr Coffin was to arrange for them to be put in place.
12. Reports from Councillors on Working Groups –a) Neighbourhood Plan – Monthly meetings continue. Four members of the group attended the Safer Streets Zoom meeting. Road safety was identified as an issue and a written report with evidence has been sent to the advisor and the group will be suggesting a consultation with local residents on a 20mph zone. A number of photographs have been taken by a member of the group as supporting evidence to ‘Our Environment’ Section. It is hoped to bring the completed document to the Parish Council for approval and recommendation for acceptance following the next meeting with the Planning Consultant, the document will then be taken to the residents. Tribute is made to all the group members for their hard work, enthusiasm and commitment to this enormous project. This was supported by all Councillors.
b) Telephone Box Group – The supply and range of books continues and are well used. The team arranged a ‘tribute to fallen residents due to war’ display at the War Memorial for Remembrance 2024. Special thanks go to those who handled the camouflage net, and those who constructed the display which was much appreciated by many residents. The team also installed and decorated the Christmas tree. Thanks again to those who undertook this in bitterly cold conditions. The thatched crib was also installed courtesy of Annette Haynes. Daffodils have been planted once again. Special thanks go to the team for their hard work, Steve, Peter, Mark, Terry, Squish, Brenda, Doone and Velda. The team and associates will be organising an Art event in the spring to be held at the Old Mill with proceeds this year going to the Church heating fund. Plans will also be made shortly for VE Day celebrations.
c) Recreation Field – Notices asking people NOT to place dog waste in the bins have been ripped off the bins, the field is used by children and dog waste and used nappies should not be placed in these bins for hygiene and safety reasons. Dorset Council to be asked to give a quote for replacing the bins and for emptying them. A reminder to be put in Pennant.
15. Items for Pennant – As already agreed – care of hedges and verges, use of dog bins.
16. Date of next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 4th March at 7.00pm in Bradford Abbas Village Hall.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st April 2025 at 7.00pm in Bradford Abbas Village Hall when the arish Council will summarise the work it has undertaken throughout the past year.
All residents are welcome to attend these meetings.
Financial Information for Ordinary Council Meeting 7th January 2025
Current Account
£12129.87 Reported Balance in Current Account as at 31st October 2024
Payments made since that date Direct Debits Paid
£219.80 Salary Month 6 £0.29 AWS EMEA
£29.00 DAPTC training £0.32 AWS EMEA
£176.17 KM Dike Inv 2078 £0.37 AWS EMEA
£219.60 Salary month 7
£352.34 KM Dike replacement for Inv 1943, 2049
£176.17 KM Dike Inv 2104
£5000.00 Transferred to Deposit Account
£33.73 D Day – Telephone Box Group
£300.40 Salary Month 8 (Inc back pay)
£155.99 Life Education
£29.00 DAPTC ½ conference fee
£77.00 SLCC membership
£51.54 Win Zip renewal
£136.64 Iain Houston web site
£240.00 Sevenside Defibrillator check
£4000.00 Transferred in from Savings Account
£5962.18 Balance in Current Account as at 3rd January 2025
Future Payments Current Account
£71.20 SLCC ½ new admin book
£176.17 KM Dike Inv 2139
£60.00 DAPTC Training Cllr Barber
£187.40 HMRC PAYE
£80.00 Christmas Tree Telephone Box Grp
£35.00 Stand for Tree
£144.00 Hall Hire
£229.80 Salary Month 9
£229.80 Salary Month 10
Total future payments £1551.09
Deposit Account
£31176.23 Reported Balance in Deposit Account as at 30th October 2024
£28.29 Interest November
£5000.00 Transferred from Current Account
£25.03 Interest December
-£4000.00 Transferred to Current Account
£32229.45 in Deposit Account as at 3rd January 2025
Total in all Accounts £38191.63 as at 3rd January 2025
Neighbourhood Plan Grant held in Deposit Account ££8729.00
Expenditure to Date (see above)
£1523.76 Dorset Planning Consultancy
£76.00 Parish on Line
£1523.76 Dorset Planning Consultancy
£153.00 Hall Hire
£168.57 Printing
£16.15 Stationery
Total £3461.24 remaining grant = £5267.76