The Chairman welcomed the District Councillor, County Councillor, and members of the public to the meeting.
- Apologies for Absence
Cllrs L Bennett, D Coffin, T Hunt and S Longdon.
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes from the meeting held on 7 March 2017 were approved by the Councillors in attendance and signed by the Chairman, Cllr D Hayward, as a true record of the meeting.
- Declaration of Interest
- West Dorset District Council Applications
- Planning ApplicationNo objections raised.
WD/D/17/000597: Virginia Cottage, North Street, Bradford Abbas. Form an opening in existing garden wall for gate onto new hard standing for a single vehicle parking area.
- Tree Applications
No new tree applications were received. The Clerk received an email from the Walnut House owner informing the Parish Council a new tree has been planted satisfying the conditions of the application.
- West Dorset District Council Application Decision
The application for 3 Westbury (WD/D/17/000421) and 1 Coombe Cottages (WD/D/17/002829) were both granted.
- Planning ApplicationNo objections raised.
- Affordable Housing
The Parish Council’s sites are on hold due to the conversation Cllr D Hayward had with a representative of the Sports and Social Club recently. The Club is currently investigating building a small number of terraced affordable housing on site. Cllr D Hayward suggested they consider a Community Land Trust (CLT) although after the Committee discussed this during several meetings they resolved not to move forward with a CLT as it will be too big a project.
The land owner of the farm on Compton Road has recently decided not to move forward with a small number of houses on the site of the dilapidated barns. The land owner will wait until the WDDC Local Plan of 425 houses opposite the barns outcome is known.
- Litter Pick the Underdown Hollow and the A30 Area
The Clerk organised a litter pick recently attended by Councillors and two volunteers. It has been difficult to get the rubbish collected from both sides of the padlocked gate. The rubbish will be collected by the end of the week.
- Matters Arising / Action Taken
- Webiste
Nothing new to report. Cllr I Houston stated this item will be picked up at the Annual Meeting.
- Design Statement
Nothing new to discuss the Councillors will continue to review for the May Meeting.
- Defibrillator Update
The Clerk emailed both the Chairman of the village hall and a representative of the Bradford Abbas Sports and Social Club concerning the procedures for checking and reporting each defibrillator as required. The village hall is submitting monthly reports online as required. The Clerk has not heard from the club and will follow-up before the next meeting. Action: Clerk
- Safe Cycle and Walking Route to Yeovil
No progress to report.
- Webiste
- County Councillors, District Councillor and Officer Reports
Cllr M Lawrence has a report for the Annual Meeting (following the ordinary meeting). She noted it was a shame Dorset Councils Partnership’s decision not to consult Parish Councils when deciding on tree applications. The Clerk forwarded the email today and felt the statement including “flexible site notification” was confusing. Cllr M Lawrence said they will be told more about the decision at the next District Council Meeting. She also stated the area between the Babylon Roundabout, Peel Centre and the bridge is looking particularly untidy. The County Councillor made a note to look into the property owner as it may belong to the golf course.
Tree Officer: Cllr L Bennett was not present.
Footpath Officer: Cllr S Longdon was not present but emailed the clerk he has walked the footpaths and only noted some brambles need to be cut. He will do this when he next walks the paths.Cllr D Hayward noticed the weeds are overgrown near the playing field chain link fence. The Clerk will contact Mr Tomsett to trim/treat the weeds. Action: Clerk
Village Hall: Cllr T Hunt was not present.
- Standing Orders
This will be discussed at the next meeting in more detail. Cllr D Hayward has a few suggested changes he will pass on to the Clerk. Action: D Hayward
- Highways
- Fingerpost Refurbishment Update
The work is ongoing. No progress to report at this time.
- Back Lane Mirror
The Clerk has not had a response from Network Rail. She will follow-up before the next meeting. Action: Clerk
- Overhanging trees on Church Road
The tree and bush have been trimmed. No further action at this time.
There is a noticeable increase to the traffic through the village during the work on the Pen Mill Roundabout in South Somerset. The Queen Thorne Parish Council contacted the Clerk and with the support of Cllr M Hall Dorset County Council is attempting to meet with SSDC to better traffic management during roadworks especially when it comes to heavy good vehicles. Cllr M Hall reported damage has been done to local village roads as heavy goods vehicles are travelling through the lanes during the current road works on the A30 (Pen Mill). It is imperative this does not happen when the A30 is closed in June/July during the drainage repairs.
The Clerk reported Mr R Skeats, DCC Highways, is happy to meet with a few councillors in order to discuss problems in the village. He is available the 11, 12 & 13 April. The Clerk suggested the councillors make a note of areas to discuss, including the upcoming closure of the A30, and get back to her. Action: Councillors
- Fingerpost Refurbishment Update
- Playing Fields
- Inspection Reports from Volunteers
Nothing to report.
- Ongoing Repairs
Nothing to report, waiting for repairs to be completed.
Cllr D Hayward noted it was not worth asking the Scouts to paint the benches/ seats at the playing fields as they should be replaced. The Clerk will look into replacements. Action: Clerk
- Inspection Reports from Volunteers
- Financial Accounts
- Grants & Donation
- Accounts for Payment
The bank account balances as of 31/3 are:
ÂŁ 3,098.69 - current account
ÂŁ10,172.54 - deposit account
1 outstanding cheque of £12.60. Cheque approved for payment: £226.26 – Clerk’s wage (£209.34 Clerk's monthly wage + £16.92 back pay as agreed at the last month)
- Online Banking
Lloyds did not receive the forms sent, the Clerk has reposted the forms.
- Grants & Donation
- Correspondences
Rural Roads Newsletter – contains Community Transport Grant information
Test Census
- Items for the Pennant
Thank you to the litter pick volunteers and residents supporting the Parish Council at the Annual Parish Meeting
- Any other information for May 2017 Agenda
Meeting Closed 7:55pm