Present: Cllrs D Hayward (Chairman), L Bennett (Vice Chair) P Clark, T Hunt and S London.
In attendance: Mrs P Chapman (Clerk), District Councillor M Lawrence and County Councillor M Penfold.
- Apologies for Absence
Cllrs D Coffin and I Houston.
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Clerk noted she did have Cllr I Houston listed in the Apologies for Absence from draft minutes of the meeting 5th September. This has been corrected. The minutes from the meeting were approved by the Councillors in attendance and signed by the Chairman, Cllr D Hayward, as a true record of the meeting(s).
- Declaration of Interest
- West Dorset District Council Applications
- Planning Application
WD/D/17/001771 Haven House, 1 Bishops Lane, Bradford Abbas. DT9 6RQ. Installation of eternal balcony (retrospective). Cllr D Hayward noted the WDDC Planning Committee approved the application based on the amended plans provided by the applicant that did not include a balcony and 2 roof lights. The balcony and roof lights were added during the build, without prior planning consent. The applicant has now applied for retrospective permission. The Working Group proposed objecting to this application on the basis it overlooks the adjoining property and believes the approval of this retrospective application would set a precedence for future applicants not to adhere to plans submitted for planning approval.
It was unanimously agreed to object to the application Cllr D Hayward read aloud a draft objection. It was agreed the Clerk will submit the objection for the 5th October. Action: Clerk
The Clerk noted there is another applications online for Mill Farm for compliance, the Parish Council does not need to respond to the application.
- West Dorset District Council Application Decision
WD/D/17/001525 (1 Wessex Drive) is scheduled to go before the WDDC Committee on the 12th October. No representation is needed.
WD/D/17/001236 (1 The Cross) was approved by WDDC.
The Clerk noted Mr N Dyke supplied the Parish Council with the pre-application advice given by WDDC concerning open market 3 to 9 houses or 5 – 9 flats on the Sports & Social Club property. The advice provided by WDDC was that the application would most likely be refused. Mr Dyke wished to keep the Parish Council informed of their application and would be grateful for any advice on what can be done in order for an application to succeed. Cllr D Hayward noted that if the application was solely for Affordable Housing the project would not be as profitable for the Club.
- Planning Application
- Affordable Housing
Nothing to report at this time. Cllrs D Hayward and I Houston are preparing a mailshot. Action: Cllrs I Houston & D Hayward
- Matters Arising / Action Taken
- Design Statement
Cllr T Hunt noted the project is going forward and the University of Bournemouth will interview students for the interpretation board soon. Cllr T Hunt will keep the Parish Council informed of progress. Action: Cllr T Hunt
- Defibrillator Update
Mr N Dyke informed the Clerk that the defibrillator located at the Sports and Social Club was not rescue ready over the past month but when unit was opened up it did not turn green as previously. It was not until the next morning he saw the green light. It was resolved the Clerk will contact South Western Ambulance Service and request they replace the current defibrillator at the Club in order to ensure the defibrillator itself is not faulty or heat sensitive before asking the Club to relocate it out of direct sunlight. Action: Clerk
- Safe Cycle and Walking Route to Yeovil
Nothing to report at this time. Project ongoing.
- Design Statement
- Community Transport
The WVTG (Wriggle Valley Transport Group) met with NORDCAT but at this time there is nothing new to report. County Cllr Penfold noted Helen Reed of NORDCAT is happy to come to Parish Council meetings if requested.
- County Councillors, District Councillor and Officer Reports
Village Hall: Cllr T Hunt had nothing to report.
Trees: Cllr L Bennett had nothing to report. Cllr D Hayward met the new residents of Tudor Cottage as they requested information concerning the procedure for works to trees within a conservations area. He mentioned the overgrown shrub alongside the pavement and this has now been trimmed.
Footpaths: Cllr S Longdon had nothing to report. The Clerk reported she received an email from a resident stating the Clifton Wood footpath was impassable. The Clerk emailed Mr D Ackerley and it will move up the list of footpaths to clear.
District Councillor M Lawrence discussed the process of registering for Housing and a new register is due in 2018. For safety reasons it is no longer legal to light helium balloons / paper lanterns on West Dorset District Council land. Thornford received ÂŁ100 for the best village.
County Councillor Penfold noted she has not seen any more flytipping or road surfaces problems to report and she continues to discuss the community transport issues with the Leader of the County Council, Mr M Piles.
- Highways
- Fingerpost Refurbishment Update
P Clark and a volunteer have begun refurbishing the fingerpost at the T junction (Church Road and Grant’s Hill). All work will be done from the field as the junction is too busy to work from roadside. (District & County s left the meeting)
- Any other Highway Matters
Cllr D Hayward spoke to the installers concerning the location of the street signs for Back Lane and Old Compton Road. Cllr D Hayward gave them the street sign for Old Compton Lane that was stored at his house after it was removed. The signs should be installed in the next two weeks.
The Clerk will contact Mr S Mounce to note the problems with the “Bradford Abbas” signs. Action: Clerk
- Fingerpost Refurbishment Update
- Playing Fields
- Inspection Reports from Volunteers
The Councillors noted it is impossible for the children to play football with the long grass left on site after it is cut. The Clerk will contact Mr Tomset to ask for his suggestions and/or additional cost for the collection of the grass and removing from the site. Action: Clerk
- Repairs needed to Equipment
The Clerk will contact Mr Hopkins concerning the climbing frame and zip wire posts that need replacing. The Clerk received two estimates for the zipwire, it was resolved to move forward with HAGS’ cost provided to re-tension the cable and discuss with Mr Hopkins the urgency of replacing the posts to the zipwire. It was concluded it is not practical to take the zipwire out of service.
Cllr P Clark mentioned it may be worth having Mr Hopkins revisit the climbing frame as the pole maybe able to be moved across rather than a new one supplied. Action: Clerk
Cllr D Hayward noted if the door of the hut is not repainted soon it may need to be replaced.
- Inspection Reports from Volunteers
- Financial Accounts
- Grants & Donation
The Clerk received a letter from Life Education requesting a donation to support their visit to the Primary School. It was resolved to donate ÂŁ100.
- Accounts for Payment
The Clerk distributed a printed document of the accounts and payments due this month for their approval. It was noted there is an error.. The Clerk will correct the error and email the final document to the Councillors. (corrected document attached).
The o/s cheque is for the use of the village hall for an extraordinary meeting in March. It was decided once the 2018 meeting dates are approved the Clerk will pay the village hall online for the full year and any extraordinary meetings can be paid when necessary also online to avoid any o/s cheques in the future.
- Grants & Donation
- Correspondences
- Cllr D Hayward noted the Rees’ objection letter concerning the retrospective planning application for Haven House, 1 Bishop Lane
- Government Consultation – proposing to change the way housing need is assessed.
- Proposed temporary closure to Bishops Lane
- Items for the Pennant
- Nordcat – reminder of contact details
- An item concerning Scouts litter pick
- Proposed Bishops Lane Closure (noticeboard)
- Date for Parish Council Meetings 2018
The Clerk will email the dates proposed for 2018 prior to the next meeting. Action: Clerk
- Any other information/ Items for the November Agenda
Budget. Cllr S Longdon asked for an updated register of electors.