Present: Cllrs L Bennett (Vice Chair), P Clark, D Hayward (Chair), I Houston, T Hunt and S Longdon.
In attendance: P Chapman (Clerk), District Cllr M Lawrence and one Mr Geoff Goater.
- Apologies for Absence
Cllr D Coffin and Country Cllr M Penfold.
- Declarations of Interests
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were approved by the Councillors and signed by the Chairman, Cllr D Hayward, as a true record of the meeting.
- Proposial from Yetminster and Ryme Instinseca Parish Council
Mr Geoff Goater Chairman of Yetminster and Ryme Instrinseca Parish Council approached the Councillors with the idea of joining forces in order to cope with the unknown future concerning the unitary county council. He would like to set up a local parish forum to investigate if the parish councils could have one voice when decisions are made by/for West Dorset. The Councillors were happy with the suggestion and thanked Mr Goater for attending the meeting to discuss his proposal. Mr Goater will set up a meeting in January 2019.
District Cllr M Lawrence stated the County Council has not finalised anything yet, no decisions have been made.
- West Dorset District Council Planning Applications
- Planning Applications
WD/D/18/000472 – Little Thatch, Mill Lane, Bradford Abbas. The Parish Council supported this application.
WD/D/18/001489 – 29 Ambrose Close, Bradford Abbas. In principle the Councillors had no objections although it was felt plans did not incorporate the proximately of the new extension to the adjacent properties. Cllr D Hayward visit the site to ease any concerns it is too close to the property boundary. Action: Cllr D Hayward
- West Dorset District Council Planning Decisions
The Clerk mentioned the tree application at High Croft was refused by WDDC and the WDDC Tree Officer has applied for the TPO (Tree Protection Order).
- Telephone Box on Churchwell Street
Cllr D Hayward reported he has not re-applied to Heritage England to list the telephone box in order to protect it from removal. He felt there was not any new evidence to add to the original application.
Cllr D Hayward contacted BT to inform them the line is still out of service. He was informed by their records it should be in working order.
The Clerk had an action to investigate the cost to repair the telephone box. She reported a new box would cost £2,750, it would cost approximately £950 for a new door. The door is full glazed cast iron inset and has a hardwood surround. The cost exclude hinges, hydraulic mechanism, VAT and delivery. The website sells the “current red” glass paint. (
The Clerk suggested before the Parish Council purchases the telephone box and spends money to repair it perhaps an item is put in the Pennant noting BT has applied to remove the telephone box and the options that are available to the Parish Council . The purchase price is £1. Action: Clerk
- Planning Applications
- County Councillor, District Councillor and Officer Reports
Trees: Cllr L Bennett reported the shrub outside Tudor Cottage is growing across the pavement making it difficult for pedestrians to use the pavement when cars are parked on the street in front of the shrub.
Footpaths: Cllr S Longdon noted the bottom half of Fanny Brooks Lane is overgrown and needs clearing. The kissing gate near the Grange has a lot of stinging nettles around it. He reported the full Churchwell Street litter bin that has now been emptied.
Village Hall: Cllr T Hunt was unable to attend the most recent meeting. Cllr D Hayward reported a team of 8 volunteers redecorated the hall and cleaned the curtains. He has applied for a grant toward the cost of new chairs. The most recent private function hiring the village hall was a loud party which lead to the police involvement.
Cllr M Lawrence noted the Clerk should have received a news bulletin, Shaping Dorset Council, that covers the district news. The Clerk has forwarded the bulletin to the Councillors. She asked for the residents of Bradford Abbas to be aware of a water softener scam in the area.
- Policies
- Data Protection/Privacy Policy & Freedom of Information Policy
Cllr I Houston and Cllr D Hayward have both reviewed the policy and suggested a DPO (Data Protection Officer) is not needed as stated by the Digital Minister and the ICO. Cllr D Hayward suggested ALL the Councillors read the policy and add any comments prior to the next meeting. Action: ALL Councillors
- Minor Changes to the Standing Order
Due to the minor changes to the Code of Conduct (adding the “Working Groups” to the policy) the date the Parish Council adopted the policy needs to be reflected in the Standing Orders. All agreed. The Clerk will amend the Standing Orders. Action: Clerk
- Data Protection/Privacy Policy & Freedom of Information Policy
- Affordable Housing
Cllr I Houston reported 62 questionnaires were completed on paper and online. Overall 48 are in favour of affordable housing. Most of the 48 in favour stressed the residents must have tangible links to the village. Cllr D Hayward will discuss the results with the landowner of the proposed site. Action: Cllr D Hayward
- LGBCE (Local Government Boundary Commission for England) Draft Publication
The independent Local Government Boundary Commission for England is asking local people to comment on plans for council ward boundaries across the new Dorset Council. The Consultation proposes ward boundaries to be used to elect councillors in the new authority. The next election is scheduled for May 2019.
The Clerk publicised the consultation and was not contacted by any residents noting any concerns. Cllr D Hayward thanked the District and County Councillors for proposing the Parish Councils early on that are now reflected in the document. This item is not needed for the next agenda.
- Matters Arising / Actions Taken
- Village Plan
Cllr T Hunt noted Working Group will schedule a meeting very soon. He had nothing to report at this time.
- Website Updates
Cllr I Houston reported the questionnaire is now closed/no longer available on the website. He has purchased software that is lessening the spam the Clerk receives via the website.
The Clerk met with Cllr I Houston to ask his views on moving the current village hall website to the Parish Council’s site in order to remove any links to the previous Village Hall Chairman’s private business website. Cllr I Houston has kindly put an example on the Parish Council website using Hall Master for the Councillors to see. The Councillors agreed it will be a good idea if the Village Hall Management Committee were to approve this move.
- Village Plan
- Highways
- Speed Limit along Underdown/Bradford Road
A resident attended the July Meeting to propose a speed limit reduction on Bradford Road/ Underdown. The Clerk emailed Mr Paul Thather, DCC Highways Community Officer to request a meeting to discuss the concerns in further details.
The Clerk forwarded Mr Thatcher’s reply to the Councillors stating he visited the sites at different times of the day to see any evidence of speeding and concluded it is "perceived speeding". To get actual speeds the Parish Council would need to pay for an Automatic Traffic Counters to be installed at various locations. Looking on the Dorset County's website this could cost up to £200.
Mr Thatcher reviewed the speed ranking score and unfortunately the score is very low. This score is a part of the evidence for a TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) that will be used to determine if a speed reduction is necessary. The Parish Council can pay for the TRO (between £3,000 - £5,000) to be submitted but this still does not mean you are guaranteed a reduction in speed limit. According to Mr Thatcher the data is simply not there to support a reduction in speed. The Councillors in attendance resolved not to order an Automatic Traffic Counter.
Mr Thatcher has asked for new 3,2,1 slow signs on the road to be painted on the road at either end of the hollow to hopefully slow people down through this very narrow section. Also a new will be sign to be installed near the golf course crossing point to show the road narrows.
The Clerk will contact the resident in attendance at July’s Meeting requesting the speed reduction. Action: Clerk
It was suggested we ask for more 3,2,1 slow signs on Bradford Road. It was agreed and resolved by all the Councillors in attendance not to move forward with the TRO as advised by Mr P Thatcher. Action: Clerk
The Clerk asked for confirmation the Parish Council is not moving forward with the grit bin as requested by a resident at the junction of Bishops Lane and Quarry Lane. Cllr D Hayward noted he spoke to a representative from the Sports Club who did not feel it was necessary. No action necessary.
The Clerk will check the level of grit and salt in the grit bins and report back at the next meeting. Action: Clerk
- Churchwell Lane Access in an Emergency
The Clerk spoke to a representative of Yeovil Fire and Rescue to determine if a Yeovil Fire Engine could gain access from Churchwell Street to Churchwell Lane. He noted most likely it could not be accessed from Churchwell Street but in the near future Somerset and Devon are rolling out smaller engines to alleviate access problems. At the moment an engine would run hoses from the bottom of North Street. This item is not needed for the next agenda.
- Speed Limit along Underdown/Bradford Road
- Playing Field
- Inspection Reports from Volunteers
Cllrs noted they have received very positive comments from members of the public using the playing fields concerning the grass that is now kept shorter, refurbishment of the seating and new picnic tables. Cllr D Hayward reported the membrane in the seesaw area is not covered by the chippings.
- Annual Inspection
The Clerk received and forwarded the annual inspection report to the Councillors. Overall it was a good report with no immediate repairs needed.
- Equipment
The Clerk spoke to Mr Hopkins who provided a verbal estimate of £220 to replace top bar of the infant swings. The majority of the estimate is delivery of the bar. It was resolved to let Mr Hopkins know he can move forward and order the materials. Action: Clerk
The Councillors discussed the purchase of a new seesaw. After carefully reviewing the options it was resolved to purchase the HAGS Vippy Seesaw that is currently on sale costing approximately £970 excluding installation, VAT and delivery. Cllr D Hayward suggested it would be a good time to replace the chippings to grass mats. The Councillors were happy with this suggestion. Cllr D Hayward will contact Wessex Ground Services for an estimate. Action: Cllr D Hayward
In the meantime Cllr D Hayward will order the new seesaw and confirm it is safe for the seesaw to be installed in the current rubber chippings (in case the Parish Council decides not to purchase the grass mats at this time). Action: Cllr D Hayward
- Inspection Reports from Volunteers
- Financial Accounts
- Grants & Donations
The Clerk received a grant for £600 from the Festival of Wheels. This donation will go toward the repairs to the infant swings and new seesaw. The Clerk will write a letter of thanks to the Committee. Action: Clerk
The Clerk also received £83 from Stuart Foster Funeral Services Ltd in reference to a funeral service for a resident of the village provided by Rev Farmiloe who has donated a percentage of his fee to the Parish Council. The Clerk will write a letter of thanks. Action: Clerk
- Account for Payment
Current Account:
Account balance reported at the last meeting £7,445.69
Less payments from the previous meeting £764.78
Less grant to the Church approved at the July Meeting £500.00
Receipts £0
Balance as of 4/9/18 £6,180.91
Deposit Account:
Account balance reported at the last meeting £10,178.93
Interest £ .82
Receipts (Festival of Wheels donation) £600.00
Balance as of 4/9/18 £10,779.75
Total in all accounts £16,960.66
Payments presented for approval for the September Meeting:
£209.34 Clerk's wage month 5
£151.84 KM Dike Nurseries July 2018 (grass cutting)
£440.22 Parish Council Insurance
The account information was prepared prior to receiving the £83.00 donation noted above (13.1)
Cllr D Hayward submitted his expenses in the sum of £22.79 for repairing the fingerpost at the top of Westbury. It was agreed the expenses will be paid by cheque at the end of the meeting.
- Parish Council Insurance Renewal
The Clerk presented the documents for renewing the insurance with Came and Company. The cost provided was compared to 2 other firms (Hiscox and Ecclesiasstical). The Parish Council resolved to move forward with Came & Company Inspire via Axa for £420.71 entering into a Long Term Agreement (LTA for 3 years).
- Grants & Donations
- Correspondences
- The Clerk forwarded an email concerning the West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan Review Preferred Options Consultation Drop ins
- Shaping Dorset Council bulletin
- The Clerk noted she has booked in to attend the Annual Clerk’s Seminar taking place at Kingston Maurward 18/9, the cost is £70.00
- Items for the Pennant
- Telephone box
- Thank you to those individuals that took the time to complete the questionnaire concerning affordable housing in Bradford Abbas
- Festival of Wheels donation will go toward the new seesaw and repairs to infants swings
- Any Other Information/Items for September Agenda
Cllr D Hayward noted the preschool has requested extended hours for the village hall that will not conflict with any other current users of the hall.
Cllr D Hayward reported the shop owner was contacted by the Post Office to enquire if they were interested in establishing a standard counter service within the shop. This came as a surprise to the shop owner as he had approached the Post Office less than 6 months ago and was turned down. At the moment they are keen to move forward with this opportunity. The services available would be similar to Thornford but the arrangement would be on a commission basis.
Meeting end 9:25pm