Present: Cllrs L Bennett (Vice Chair), P Clark, D Hayward (Chair) and I Houston.
In attendance: P Chapman (Clerk), G Siggins and Dorset Councillor R Legg
- Apologies for Absence
Apologies were accepted from Cllr D Coffin, T Hunt and S Longdon.
- Declarations of Interests
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
Cllr P Clark noted he gave his apologies for absence prior to the July Meeting. The minutes were amended and then approved by the Councillors in attendance and signed by the Chairman, Cllr D Hayward, as a true record of the meeting.
- St Mary’s Week
Mr G Siggins attended the Parish Council Meeting to discuss the proposed future of the St Mary’s Week events. Next year the main event will take place on Friday 8 May to Sunday 10th May to coincide with the 75th Anniversary of V.E. Day 2020. Mr Siggins requested permission to use the field for more than parking, proposing to provide the bar and some of the entertainment on the playing field. The Councillors were happy with this proposal on condition the play equipment should still be available in a fenced off area and all litter is removed at the end of the event. The Clerk will check with the Parish Council’s insurance to confirm all is ok for alcohol consumption on the field, although it is the St Mary’s Week insurance that would cover any damages. The Clerk will look into the insurance policy. Action: Clerk
Mr D Hayward enquired who the trustees were for the St Mary’s Week Charity. Mr Siggins confirmed it was Mr T Jacklin, Mr A Fall and himself.
Mr Siggins also discussed renewing the fence between the churchyard and playing fields, to include an access gate. The Councillors welcomed this suggestion.
- Dorset Council Applications
- Dorset Council Planning Applications
WD/D/19/001712 2 Coombe Cottages, Bradford Abbas. Erection of a garden room. The Parish Councillors supported this application. The Clerk submitted the comments last week in order to meet the planning deadline.
WD/D/19/001891 Underdown Hollow, Bradford Abbas. Change of use from Agricultural building to 4 dwellings. Although the Parish Council is not consulted concerns were raised that the dwelling (s) are not positioned within the village and is not in keeping with the character of the village. Other concerns raised suggested it possibly does not qualify for a permitted development application as the units maybe used as holiday homes and not as permanent residents. Cllr R Legg kindly offered to follow up on these queries.
- Dorset Council Planning Decisions
WD/D/19/001322 (Peachy Fields) and WD/D/19/000875 (5 Emlet) were granted.
- Telephone Box on Churchwell Street
Cllr D Hayward reported the door of the phone box has been repaired. It was suggested by BT they may put it up for removal again soon, so it is unlikely the phone box will be repainted, as promised.
- Dorset Council Planning Applications
- Officer Reports
Footpaths: Cllr S Longdon was not present but has provided detailed documentation of the local footpaths for the Clerk and for the website. Cllr I Houston will convert the document to webpages for the website. Action: Cllr I Houston
It was not known if there was a resolution to the overgrown brambles along the footpath near Emlet/Queens Road.
Trees: Cllr L Bennett had nothing to report. The Clerk noted she submitted the application to remove the dead tree in the playing fields. It was difficult to pinpoint on the Dorset Council map without a postcode and google maps are not permissible.
Cllr I Houston noted the footpath along Wyke Farm has a very hard surface with sharp tiles and glass in areas but this appears to have been resolved. Walkers informed the farmer of their concerns and the possibility of the sharp areas of the surface cutting their dogs paws and now there is a layer of soil on top. Hopefully, this will not wash away.
Village Hall: Cllr T Hunt was not present. Cllr D Hayward noted the toilets have been painted.
- Community Land Trust (CLT)
Cllrs L Bennett, P Clark, D Hayward and I Houston met with, Alison Ward, Community Led Housing Adviser, Wessex Community Land Trust Project. A community meeting is planned for 7th November beginning at 7:30pm. The Clerk will advertise it in the Pennant with a view to add a leaflet into the next pennant.
- Allotments
Cllr D Hayward received two leases last week from Winchester Estates. The leases do not appear to include the suggestions Cllr D Hayward discussed with the solicitor. The allocation map of the fields is incorrect and referred to Mr Tinsley’s fields as a grazing field, not cultivating as requested. Cllr D Hayward sent a document to the Winchester Estate solicitor with a correct map and the information previously discussed. Cllr R Legg suggested a Farm Business Tenancy Agreement maybe a consideration.
- War Memorial
Cllr D Hayward met with Mr Bide to discuss removal of the mortar on selected tiles. Mr Bide is concerned loosening other roof tiles in the process. It was resolved, now that the mortar has weathered to leave it for now.
The Clerk received two estimates ranging from £1,530 to £2,500 to add the additional names to the War Memorial. It was difficult to pinpoint one of the estimates as it was quoted as a per letter estimate or cost per hour, the lesser will apply. It was decided the Clerk will speak to Cllr T Hunt before the next meeting to discuss the impact on choosing one of the estimates has on a possible grant from the Memorial Trust. Action: Clerk
- Matters Arising / Actions Taken
- Village Plan
Nothing to report at this time, Cllr T Hunt not present.
- Website
Cllr I Houston reported has completed security updates. Cllr D Hayward thanked him for his continued work on the website.
- Village Plan
- Financial Risk Assessment Policy Review
Nothing to report. The Clerk will need to meet with Cllr I Houston. Action: Cllr I Houston / Clerk
- Highways
- Apply for official street name concerning Grants Hill
The Clerk received a response from the residents along the unnamed section of the road between the junction of Church Road and Smith’s Bridge. They do not wish the Parish Council to proceed with naming the road if there is a chance of their post code changing. The Clerk reminded the Councillors it is up to the Post Office to decide if the post code changes, the Council does not have any jurisdiction and/or consultation in the decision. Originally the Parish Council set out to change Dorset Council’s description and that has now been amended and does not include the words Underdown or Underdown Hollow.
The Clerk noted as per an email dated 21/3/19 from L Hansford, Dorset Highway Searches Team Leader, in order to extend the name of Grants Hill the Parish Council would “need to get permission from the homeowners”. It was agreed this item is no longer needed on the agenda.
- Any other highways issues
Cllr I Houston cleaned up the Bradford Abbas sign on Grants Hill and suggested Dorset Highways repair the sign. The Clerk has not had any luck with getting sign repairs and has been told in April 2019 the new Dorset Authority has not appointed installers. It was resolved Cllr I Houston and P Clark will try to repair the sign. Action: Cllr I Houston & P Clark
Cllr P Clark offered to remove the Damroy bus timetable sign on the telephone pole near the War Memorial. This was accepted. Action: Cllr P Clark
The Clerk will follow-up on the Back Lane nameplate. Action: Clerk
- Apply for official street name concerning Grants Hill
- Playing Field
- Inspection Reports from Volunteers
Nothing new to report from the inspections. The annual inspection will take place in September.
Cllr D Hayward noted the old seesaw area has grass growing but the weeds are very high. Cllr P Clark kindly offered to weed the area and keep it fenced off. Action: Cllr P Clark
- Equipment
The Clerk has not been able to contact a local handyman in the village as she had an incorrect email address. She will contact him by hand delivering a letter to his door. Action: Clerk
The Clerk received two estimates for hedge laying the Westbury border of the playing fields. The decision was held off until this meeting in order to have more Councillors provide their opinion. It was resolved to accept the estimate from the Dorset Hedgelayer for £1,473.75. Action: Clerk
Cllr D Hayward reported the Westbury entrance gate to the playing field should be completed this week.
- Inspection Reports from Volunteers
- Financial Accounts
- Grants & Donations
Nothing to report.
- Accounts for Payment
Current Account:
£ 6,763.71 Account balance reported from the previous meeting
£ 367.20 Less: Approved payments from the previous meeting
£ 500.00 Less: Donation to St Mary’s Church
£ 5,896.51
Deposit Account:
£12,048.22 Account balance reported from the previous meeting
£ .47 Receipt: July Interest
£ .51 August Interest
£17,945.71 Total in all accounts
The following payments were unanimously approved by the Cllrs in attendance:
£ 215.20 Clerk’s wage
£ 215.20 Clerk’s wage
£ 393.60 Dorset Council (clear gullies)
£ 205.00 Mark Hopkins (seesaw removal)
£ 431.83 Insurance renewal (long term plan)
£ 152.11 KM Dike Nurseries invoice 597 grass maintenance for July 2019
The Clerk noted she received the invoice from KM Dike Nurseries for £152.00 to cover the grass maintenance for August. Payment approved.
- Grants & Donations
- Correspondences
- The Clerk received an email from a resident along Underdown Hollow concerning the 4 x 4 along Babylon hillside entering from the Peel Centre car park. The Clerk notified the Peel Centre Manager, the PSCO and the police via an online form. . The Clerk also forwarded the photos to the resident for them to correspond with any of the Peel Centre contacts.
- Mr P Thatcher will not add another cement block at the top of the Hollow as the Clerk requested.
- the Clerk noted the most recent alerts from the Dorset Police noted quadbike anti social behavior in the area, Bradford Abbas was not listed.
- The Clubs defibrillator checks are in hand and reports are sent online.
- Dorset Community Action: Register for a free marketing pack for Village Halls Week 2020. The Clerk forwarded this information to the Secretary of the Village Hall Committee.
- Items for the Pennant
Community Land Trust public meeting.
- Any Other Information/Items for October Agenda
Next Meeting, Tuesday 1st October 2019 Bradford Abbas Village Hall
Meeting end 9:35pm