Present: Cllr D Hayward (Chairman), Cllr L Bennett, Cllr D Coffin and Cllr I Houston.
In Attendance: Mrs T Chapman (Clerk) and District Cllr M Lawrence.
Cllr D Hayward noted Cllr T Hunt is expected to arrive at 7:30pm.
- Apologies for Absence
Cllr S Longdon.
- Minutes of the Meeting 001.03.16 and 21.03.2016
A minor correction was made concerning the spelling of Cllr L Bennett’s name. The draft minutes were changed to reflect this change and were then approved by the Councillors in attendance and signed by the Chairman, Cllr D Hayward, as a true record of the meeting.
- Declarations of Interest
No interests were declared.
- Report from the Planning Committee
- WD/D/15/001178 - The Grange, Bradford Abbas. Change of use to a wedding venue. (application withdrawn Nov 2015) Cllr D Hayward spoke to Mr K Perry, WDDC Snr Enforcement Officer, reporting he has been out of the office for a period of time and not had the chance to follow-up with an investigation to the Parish Council’s concerns the weddings will move forward using a TENS (temporary events notice).
- WD/D/16/000389 – Mill Farm, Bradford Abbas. Creation of a new B1 office, swimming pool and gymnasium with associated facilities, parking & landscaping. No objections were raised.
- WD/D/16/000442 – Cherries, Church Road, Bradford Abbas. Rear single storey extension. No objections were raised.
Cllr M Lawrence informed the Councillors there is an application for Trill Dairy Farm, Clifton Maybank. Cllr D Hayward noted that as this comes under Clifton Mabank it will not be reviewed by Bradford Abbas. The Clerk received an application for the Peel Centre. Cllr D Hayward has the application and will pass it on to other members of the Planning Committee.
- Tree Applications
The Clerk reported no applications were received.
- West Dorset District Council Planning Notifications
WDDC granted permission with conditions for the applications WD/D/16/000095, WD/D/000096 & WD/D/16/001557.
- Affordable Housing
Cllr D Hayward spoke to Mr Peter Friend, Hastoe, and reported Mr Friend has not contacted the landowner to reiterate the Parish Council felt the area near to Queens Road is the best and most viable option for the affordable housing. There are currently 14 families registered for housing in the area and Mr Friend suggested the Parish Council considers increasing the number of houses to perhaps 8 to 10.. The Clerk contacted Mr Derrin, DCC, suggesting the posters are replaced as they currently have C Bonnett’s name on them and she is no longer employed by WDDC.
- WD/D/15/001178 - The Grange, Bradford Abbas. Change of use to a wedding venue. (application withdrawn Nov 2015) Cllr D Hayward spoke to Mr K Perry, WDDC Snr Enforcement Officer, reporting he has been out of the office for a period of time and not had the chance to follow-up with an investigation to the Parish Council’s concerns the weddings will move forward using a TENS (temporary events notice).
- Matters Arising from these Minutes
- Website
Cllr D Hayward viewed the website with Cllr I Houston and is very impressed and happy with the website suggesting an item is put in the Pennant announcing the Parish Council’s website.
- Design Statement
Cllrs D Hayward, T Hunt and L Bennett met and has suggested the structure of the design statement. The structure was distributed prior to the meeting and attached to the minutes. It was agreed the Design Statement could possibly be the first step toward a Neighbourhood Plan.
- Parish Council Vacancy
The Clerk notified Democratic Services of the vacancy. The item was advertised in the Pennant and noticeboards. Cllr D Hayward said two people have come forward interested in possibly becoming a councillor.
- Website
- County Councillor, District Councillor and Officer Reports
Cllr M Lawrence will give her main report at the Parish Meeting following the Ordinary Meeting this evening. She suggested the Parish Council considers entering the Best Village Competition. She will contact the organiser for the Clerk to pass on the information.
Trees: Cllr L Bennett did not have anything to report.
Footpaths: Cllr S Longdon was not present.
The Clerk mentioned a complaint was received from the walker concerning the amount of trees felled in Mill Farm. Cllr D Hayward noted some of the felling may have been completed in a conservation area. He will speak to the tree surgeons (Aquacare Kingcombe) and report back to the Clerk.
Action: Cllr D Hayward
Village Hall: Cllr T Hunt was not present at this time.
(Cllr T Hunt entered the meeting)
Cllr D Hayward updated the Councillors concerning the East Farm Footpath case. The notification will not be put up until July or August which will then begin a six week period for objections. If objection are made the case will be referred to the Secretary of State.
- Highways
- Fingerposts
Cllr D Hayward has contacted some of the volunteers concerning repairing the fingerposts in the village. He has also shortened the fingerpost at junction of Underdown Hollow and the top of Back Lane ready for replacement.
- Other Highway Matters
Cllr D Hayward reported the crumbling stone wall outside the Emlet to Mr R Skeats (DCC Highways).
The Clerk reported the dead animal on Underdown Hollow very near the junction of the A30, the tyre in the centre of the Babylon Hill Roundabout, flytipping in the area and the green bags left last year for collection. The Clerk will contact the DWP concerning the green bags left from volunteers collecting litter in the area.
Action: Clerk
The Clerk will report the following potholes: corner of the top of Back Lane and Underdown Hollow where the road “falls away” at the corning near the fingerpost and Grant Hill (near Fannybrook Lane/ path).
Action: Clerk
The potholes marked on Bishops Lane were noted as possible upcoming repairs.
- Fingerposts
- Report from Playing Fields Committee
- Playing Field Inspection Report
The Clerk will contact the Playing Field Inspection Company to indicate the errors in the reported surfacing under the basket swing.
Action: Clerk
Mr R Green has completed clearing the playing field boundary along the Churchwell Street houses. He will seed at the appropriate time.
Cllr I Houston requested a playing field checklist inspection form from the Clerk.
Action: Clerk
- Re-Surfacing and Repairs
The Clerk emailed the estimate from Mr I Hewitt, Wessex Grounds Services prior to the March Parish Council meeting, but after careful reconsideration contacted Mr Hewitt again to discuss the estimated costs. The cost now is reduced from ÂŁ4622 +VAT to ÂŁ4131 + VAT. The estimate includes taking down existing fence and gate, level and grade into adjoining grass levels, supply and lay turf, grass protector mesh overlaid with rubber safagrass matting around the multi-unit. It was resolved Cllr D Hayward would contact Mr Hewitt in order to confirm the date of installation and request if possible it was earlier as the grass would need watering if the work were completed to late in spring.
Action: Cllr D Hayward - Playing Fields Boundary to include a new gate
See above.
Cllr D Coffin noted a resident contacted her to ask if the Parish Council would like tow pine trees, currently in pots, for the village, possibly in the playing fields. It was decided perhaps the school would prefer the pine trees in the sports field.
Action: Cllr D Coffin
- Playing Field Inspection Report
- Grants & Donations
- Financial Accounts to include accounts for payment
Summary of transactions for the period 11.03.2016 to 15.04.2016Date
Chq No.
Current a/c
Deposit a/c
Bradford Abbas Village Hall
Hire of hall for meetings
Bradford Abbas Village Hall
Committee Room Hire
Play Inspection Co. Ltd
Annual Inspection
P Chapman
Resolved: To approve the accounts for payment- Financial Regulations
Cllr Houston suggested the transparency code summary is added to the regulations. The Clerk will add this and redistribute the regulations for the next meeting.
- Financial Regulations
- Correspondences
1. Chairman discussed the upcoming changes to the village bus service that was no apart of the consultation. A resident had contacted the Clerk to request support from the Parish Council concerning the upcoming changes and lack of clear publication. The Clerk is following up on this with Travel Dorset
2. The Clerk received information concerning the PlusBus Services.
3. Email concerning the Library Service Consultation.
- Pennant
Website to be announced
Action: Cllr Houston
- Any Other Information/ Items for May Agenda
- Date of the Next Meeting
Tuesday 3rd May 2016 at 7pm in the Bradford Abbas Village Hall Committee Room
There being no further business, the meeting finished at 8pm.