Present: Cllrs L Bennett (Chair), P Clark, D Coffin, I Houston (Vice Chair), S Longdon and J Thomas.
In Attendance: P Chapman (Clerk)
- Welcome and to receive apologies for absence
Cllr T Hunt.
- To receive declarations of interests
- To approve the minutes from the July meetings
The minutes from the meetings held on the 14th & 21st July were approved by the Councillors in attendance and signed by the Chairperson, Cllr L Bennett, as a true record of the meeting.
- To discuss Dorset Council planning applications
WD/D/20/001594: 51 Queens Rd, Bradford Abbas DT9 6RR. Erect single storey rear extension. No objections. The Clerk submitted the comments prior to the meeting in order to meet the deadline.
WD/D/20/001057 (solar farm) & WD/D/20/001302 (Yeovil Junction) were still undetermined at the time of the meeting
Cllr L Bennett noted the Clerk mentioned the Parish Council is not consulted on tree applications but some of the applications are being determined within a week of validation on the DC’s website. The Clerk will contact County Cllr R Legg. Action: Clerk
- To receive officer reports
Village Hall: Cllr T Hunt was not in attendance. The Clerk / Village Hall Booking Secretary noted the hall is currently not open for hire excluding Pre School and the Hosted Post Office service.
Tree Officer: Nothing to report.
Footpaths: Cllr S Longdon reported all the footpaths are passable. He referred to an email the Clerk received concerning the Mill Farm footpath that becomes very slippery in wet weather. Cllr S Longton noted it will continue to be slippery until something is added to the path to allow the water to drain away. The path is kept clear of weeds.
Cllr L Bennett suggested item 6 is discussed now. All agreed.
- To discuss local footpath issues
- Wyke Farm Area
All ok at the moment. This item is not needed for the next agenda.
- Footpath behind the Grange (N6/3)
Nothing new to report. This item is not needed for the next agenda
- Footpath along Mill Farm (N6/4)
The Clerk received an email from a resident asking if the hard surface laid near the pond will continue along the path to make is less muddy/slippery in the autumn and winter months. It was resolved the Clerk will contact the owner. Action: Clerk
It was also queried who is responsible for the footpath off of Mill Lane leading to the footpath bridge to Clifton Maybank. It was resolved the Clerk will make some inquiries. Action: Clerk
- Wyke Farm Area
- Community Land Trust Update
Cllr L Bennett reported the committee will have their first meeting since lockdown on Thursday. At the moment their main issue is setting up a bank account as Lloyds bank is not opening new business accounts due to staff resources.
The CLT Group may wish the Parish Council to hold their funds until they can open an account. The Cllrs agreed this is a good idea in order for the group to move forward.
- To receive an update to the status of the allotment leases
Nothing to report. It was resolved at a previous meeting the Clerk will send off a polite reminder we are waiting for the leases monthly. It was concluded the item is not needed on the agenda until there is progress made. Action: Clerk
- To receive a War Memorial Update
- Missing names plaques
Ongoing, the Clerk has had contact from Mr Louth but no schedule was mentioned. The Clerk will follow-up. Action: Clerk
- D Hayward Memorial bench
The Clerk reported Mr M Hopkins estimated £150 for a plinth to install the bench in the playing fields. It was previously agreed the £250 of the Parish Council funds will be used for the bench, D Hayward’s family have generously offered to donate any remaining costs. The Clerk cannot order the bench until the Cllrs finalise the wording for the engraving. Action: All Cllrs
Cllr D Coffin noted some benches have the engraving painted. The Clerk will see if that is an option when ordering the bench. Action: Clerk
- J Gillham Memorial bench
Cllr L Bennett spoke with Mr A Fall concerning the donation of £250 toward the bench. Mr Fall said the working group will keep the PC informed as it progresses. The PC will see the final version before any work begins. The £250 will be added to the next year’s budget.
- Missing names plaques
- To receive a village plan update
Cllr T Hunt provided Cllr I Houston with some materials for the website that may need permission from Dorset Council (DC). It was decided DC as had them in the public domain it would not be necessary. Action: Cllr I Houston
- To discuss the website updates
Nothing to report, looking for articles from the Cllrs.
Cllr I Houston enquired if the Telephone Box Working Group had an update they could put on the website. Cllr S Longdon sent the Cllrs notes of the meeting held and can add an article/ update to the website. Cllr I Houston is happy to help getting it on the website if needed. Action: Cllr S Longdon
The Telephone Box Working Group item is needed on the next agenda.
- To discuss the Climate Change Emergency Working Group
Cllr J Thomas reported the Deputy Head of the Primary School is happy to join the working group.. The Clerk has not contacted the Gryphon School.
Prior to the meeting Cllr I Houston emailed information suggesting the PC replaces the Elm trees along the Westbury border of the playing fields and/or the one along Fanny Brook’s Lane. He has received estimated costs of £125 for 2 (3m saplings) for some disease resistant trees, although it will cost £325 for delivery. He also mentioned the hedges will need to be trimmed and the current dead/dying trees will need to be removed. The Councillors were happy for this to move forward if the Clerk felt the funds were available. The Clerk would like a better idea of the final cost, but most likely the funds are available. Action: Cllr I Houston
- To discuss any highways issues
Many thanks to Cllr S Longdon for installing the mirror at the junction of Back Lane and Church Road and Church Road sign. The Clerk reported the broken mirror at the junction of Old Compton Lane and Underdown to Dorset Council.
The shop owner contacted the Clerk concerning the speed of the traffic on Church Road. He suggested the speed along Church Road should be 20mph, not 30mph. Originally, he spoke to Dorset Council (DC) and was informed it is for the Parish Council to approach DC Highways to request a TRO (Traffic Regulation Order). The shop owners are concerned there will be a serious accident as shop patrons exit directly onto Church Road.
The Clerk contacted DC Highways and their response offered a few options; a volunteer Community Speed Watch Program, or traffic counters (£250 per site) to collect the data for a speed ranking score in order for the Parish Council to apply for a TRO that could cost between £3,000 and £5000 with no guarantee of a successful outcome.
The Clerk suggested a removable slow down sign. The Cllrs suggested a large planter or bollards to keep the cars away from the entrance. The Clerk will speak to the shop owner. Action: Clerk
The Clerk reported 111 slips were signed and returned from the Pennant insert, as well as 2 emails received. The slips will be returned to the shop owners, the petition is also in the September Pennant. It was noted the house and shop are on the market again.
- To review the playing field inspection reports and future budget
The Cllrs were very happy with the repairs, that included structural work to the toddler climbing frame completed by M Hopkins. Cllr I Houston discussed the possibility replacing one of the legs of the climbing frame next to the basket swing. This will be costly and need to be considered carefully.
The Clerk reported the cable runway structure (towers) will be installed next week and the cable will be connected the following week.
Cllr P Clark noted the association Field in Trust would be worth contacting to assist in funding available for replacing the large toddler climbing frame. He kindly volunteered to make contact. The Clerk will forward her contact for Wicksteed and other play equipment companies in order to receive a free estimate to replace the large toddler climbing frame lending funding advise and an overall layout of the equipment. Action: Cllr P Clark
The Clerk is waiting for the annual inspection to be completed in October, this should be used to determine priority on repairs.
Cllr D Coffin and L Bennett contacted the resident at 3 Churchwell Close to discuss the overhanging trees and to view it from their garden.
Cllr I Houston suggested tidying up the Westbury border prior to the fundraiser. The Clerk supplied the contact details of K M Dike for an estimate. Action: Cllr I Houston
The resident of 4 Churchwell Close kindly offered to have her gardener cut the stinging nettles in the playing fields along her border at no cost to the Parish Council. The Cllrs accepted and were grateful for the offer.
- To consider the Bradford Abbas Parish Council Working Group Terms of Reference
A few minor adjustments were suggested and accepted. All in favour of adopting the Working Group Terms of Reference.
- Financial Accounts
- To consider any grants or donations
- To consider September payments
The following payments were approved by the Cllrs:
£220.00 Clerk's wage
£155.80 KM Dike
£443.28 Parish Council's Insurance
£190.43 Parish Clerk's Expenses (traffic mirror, Zoom, Amazon Web Services)
£420.00 Removal of the zip wire
£473.83 Repairs to the toddler climbing frame
The above payments were approved by the Cllrs in attendance.
£12,655.19 Deposit Account balance
£ 6,913.93 Current Account balance
£ 5,357.50 Precept expected in Sept
Prior to the meeting the Clerk distributed a spreadsheet outlining all the payments made during the current financial year. Below are the payments the Parish Council has committed to for remainder of the financial year:
£ 7,200 Wicksteed zip wire
£ 420 remove old zip wire
£ 240 Addl grassmats
£ 155 brace infant swing
£ 65 annual inspection
£ 445 Insurance
£ 1,540 Salary (£220/mnth)
£ 200 LCN (£25/mnth)
£ 1,508 Grass cutting (£155.80/mnth)
£ 400 Derek's bench (£250 plus £150 plinth)
£ 87 Zoom (£14.50/mnth)
The above payments do not include the invoice received to cover the work to repair to the toddler unit at a cost of £473.83 and the Parish Council has only committed to £250.00 for the memorial bench.
The Clerk felt it is good practice to keep at least half a years precept in reserve, at the moment it is at a higher level in order to be spent on the replacement cable runway.
Cllr L Bennett asked if either Cllr Longdon or Cllr Thomas wished to discuss the telephone box meeting that took place. Cllr S Longdon distributed notes from that last meeting. Cllr J Thomas reported the next meeting will hopefully finalise details to present at the next meeting. The suggestions of a vehicle charging point is a very good but as a working group they felt it would be better placed outside the village hall. Cllr I Houston asked if the charging point would be something the Climate Change Working Group could investigate. All agreed.
- To consider any grants or donations
- Correspondences received
- All correspondences were dealt with earlier in the meeting
- Items for the Pennant (to include the response from the August Pennant Save Our Village Shop)
- 113 slips and email responses to the Save Our Village Shop. The Clerk will drop them off to the shop owner next week. Action: Clerk
- Cllr L Bennett noted the editor of the Pennant is moving from the village, although she has offered to continue until a replacement is found. Cllr L Bennett suggested an item is put on the website as well. Action: Clerk
- it was suggested an item is added to the Pennant informing residents that the Parish Council Meetings continue to take place, virtually.
- Items for the next Agenda
Telephone box.
Meeting closed 9:30pm