Present: Cllrs L Bennett (Chair), P Clark, D Coffin, I Houston (Vice Chair), T Hunt, S Longdon and J Thomas.
In Attendance: P Chapman (Clerk)
- Welcome and to receive apologies for absence
All Parish Councillors present
- To receive a Community Shop Working Group update from Cllr J Thomas
It was decided to discuss the budget prior to this item.
- To discuss and finalise the 2021/22 budget
The Clerk distributed a proposed budget totaling £12,525.00 although this needs to be adjusted from discussion/ decisions taken from the Parish Council meeting last week. The proposed budget included £200 for a traffic mirror that was overall felt it needed more consideration before moving forward. The budget did not include any provisions for the telephone working group possible maintenance costs. A small sum was added for the shop working group printing costs but will need to be confirmed.
The Councillors prioritised the need to replace the multi-unit in the playing field due to the age of the equipment and increased need for expensive repairs. A long-term plan is needed to be proposed in order to replace it in the next few years. £1,500 of the 2021/22 budget will be put aside for this purpose. Over the next year the Parish Council will try to raise funds, if possible and further investigate costs and possible grants available.
The Clerk will order some catalogues from suppliers and distribute them to the Councillors for review. Action: Clerk
Cllr J Thomas reported the Shop Working Group met virtually last night. The shop will close at some point but the extact date is unknown. Cllrr J Thomas noted the current sale does not look promising. The shop owners are still looking for volunteer help in the shop. The working group would like to proceed with a property search to investigate if there is covenant on the property. It should cost less than £20. The Councillors unanimously approved the cost.
The Clerk asked Cllr J Thomas if £400 should cover possible upcoming costs for printing and meeting costs. Cllr J Thomas agreed that should be enough, although it was too early to predict expenses they will incur. The Clerk suggested the Parish Council can facilitate the payments on behalf of the Shop Working Group when/if needed.
The Clerk also asked Cllrs J Thomas and S Longdon if any funds would be needed for upkeep of the telephone box. It was resolved £500 should cover any maintenance and spring planting costs.
The budget of £12,825 was proposed by Cllr S Longdon and seconded by Cllr P Clark.
£ 3,035 Salaries, expenses, training
£ 400 Sundries
£ 4,100 Playing fields
£ 215 Cost of meetings
£ 100 Audit
£ 1,900 Grants and donations
£ 1,075 Insurance/ subscriptions/website
£ 500 War memorial plaques
£ 1,500 play equipment fund
It was resolved the Clerk will add an article on the website concerning the playing field and upcoming budget. Action: Clerk
Meeting end. 9:20pm