Present: Cllrs P Clark, D Coffin, T Hunt, I Houston (Vice Chair), S Longdon and J Thomas
In Attendance: T Chapman (Clerk)
- Welcome and to receive apologies for absence
Apologies received and accepted from Cllr L Bennett. Cllr I Houston chaired the meeting in the Chairpersons absence.
- To receive the Vice Chairperson's declaration of acceptance of office
Cllr I Houston provided his acceptance of office form to be signed by the Clerk.
- To receive declarations of interests
- To approve the minutes from the Ordinary Meeting held on 3rd May 2022
The minutes were approved by the Councillors in attendance and signed by the Vice Chairman, Cllr I Houston, as a true record of the meeting.
Public period for comments and issues on the agenda (up to 15 minutes allocated for electors, residents in the parish or adjoining parishes to comment on any items to be discussed for decision.)
No members of the public were in attendance.
- To discuss Dorset Council planning applications and decisions
- P/MPO/2022/03015: Brantano 3 Peel Centre Retail Park Babylon Hill Yeovil Modify S106 Agreement dated 2/10/1998 associated with planning permission no. 1/N/97/0289 to remove the restriction
against the sale of food for consumption off the premises within Unit 3, The Peel Centre, Babylon Hill. The Clerk requested and received an extension until 8/6/22 for the Parish Council’s comments. The Clerk noted she emailed a few residents along Compton Road to make them aware of the Peel Centre applications. The Councillors did not have any objections to this application.
- P/FUL/2022/03113 Mayflower Cottage, Yeovil Rd, Bradford Abbas DT9 4RA Change of use of land from agricultural to residential garden land & retain 2no. railway carriages & wooden bandstand/gazebo. No objections to this application.
- P/FUL/2022/03157 3 Peel Centre Retail Park, Yeovil, Dorset BA21 5BT External alterations to the front elevation. No objections to this application.
- Unclassified Roads to consider for a DMMO
Cllr S Longdon will send the Clerk the information for the July Meeting. Action: Cllr S Longdon
- To review and approve the Bradford Abbas Fixed Assets
The Clerk provided 2 lists of fixed assets that cover the assets as of 31/3/22 (end of year) to coincide with Section 2 of the Annual Return and as of today that included the new goal posts and picnic tables. The Councillors approved both fixed assets lists. Cllr I Houston dated and signed the lists to be uploaded to the website. Action: Clerk
The memorial benches adjacent to the war memorial were discussed and it was uncertain if the Parish Council was to oversee the maintenance of both benches or only the E Garrett bench. The Clerk will contact A Fall to ask. Action: Clerk
- Financial Accounts
- To consider any additional June payments
The Clerk emailed a list of payments prior to the meeting (listed below) and noted the additional payment of £117.07 for the Jubilee Tree and reimbursement Cllr L Bennett £100.80 for the vacancy advert in the Blackmore Vale. The Councillors approved all payments. Cllr T Hunt proposed accepting the payments; Cllr J Thomas seconded.
It was noted the Clerk should not be expected to prepay for Parish Council supplies and equipment. It was concluded the Clerk will request a Debit Card for the treasures account and report back at the next meeting if this is possible. Action: Clerk
- To review the Internal Audit Report 2021/2022
The Councillors in attendance unanimously accepted the Internal Audit Report.
- To approve section 1 of the Annual return 2021/22
The Councillors in attendance unanimously accepted section 1 of the Annual Audit Return.
- To approve section 2 of the Annual return 2021/22
The Councillors in attendance unanimously accepted section 1 of the Annual Audit Return.
- To consider any additional June payments
- Correspondences received
- The Clerk forwarded a grant request from the Pre-School. It was resolved to grant the Pre-School £250.00 for all resources that directly impact the children (materials, snacks. etc), not for core funding (wages). The Clerk will arrange payment and outline what the grant can be used for. Action: Clerk
- The Clerk forwarded a several road closures. They will be uploaded to the website. Action: Clerk
- Items for The Pennant
- Thank you to the St Mary’s Week Charitable Trust and Jubliee Committee for a lovely weekend.
- Thank you to R Green for organising and his planting the Jubliee Tree in the playing field.
- vacancy and application deadline
- Any other Information / Date of the Next Meeting
Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 5th July
Meeting closed 7:50pm
Financial lnformation for June 2022 Meeting
Current Account:
£ 1,619.35 account balance reported at the end of 31st March 2022
£ 1,626.97 Less: April & May Payments
£ 8,012.50 Receipt: Precept
£ 190.00 Receipt: transfer from Deposit account
£ 8,194.88 as of 30/5/22
Deposit Account:
£19,971.32 account balance reported at the end of 31st March 2022
£ 0.18 Receipt: April lnterest
£ 0.15 Receipt: May lnterest
£ 190.00 Less: Transfer to current acct
£19,781.65 as of 30/5/22
£27,976.53 Total in all accounts
April & May Payments Made:
£ 190.00 Avalon Print inv 10017 (The Pennant reprint)
£ 162.88 K M Dike Nurseries inv 1378 (increase from approval)
£ 55.18 lH Reimburse for LCN renewal
£ 600.00 Fusion (footpath repairs includes VAT)
£ 158.90 K M Dike Nurseries inv 1353
£ 230.00 Clerk's wage 1
£ 230.00 Clerk's wage 2
Proposed June Payments:
£ 230.00 Clerk's wage 3
£ 162.88 K M Dike Nurseries inv not received yet
£ 45.00 Reimburse Clerk for OSS renewal
£ 68.00 lnternal Audit (M T Harding)
£ 305.40 Dorset Planning Consultant Ltd (NP)
£1,538.70 Reimburse Clerk: Huck Nets goal posts
£ 485.00 Reimburse Clerk: MC Timber Products (picnic tables)
£ 170.55 Reimburse Clerk: Ryman copies for ROW Form E
£ 62.92 Reimburse Clerk: stationery & travel
Funds in deposit account earmarked:
£1,015.57 The Pennant
£10,728.71 New Equipment