Present: Cllrs D Hayward (Chairman), P Clark, I Houston and T Hunt.
In Attendance: Mrs T Chapman (Clerk)
Apologies for Absence
Cllrs L Bennett, D Coffin and S Longdon.
- Minutes from the Last Meeting
The draft minutes from the meeting held on 6th September 2016 were approved by the Councillors in attendance and signed by the Chairman, Cllr D Hayward, as a true record of the meeting.
- Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Clark informed the Chairman he submitted a planning application (WD/D/16/002090). He wished to declare an interest in case the application was discussed during the meeting.
- Report from the Planning Committee
- Planning Applications:
At the time of the agenda no new planning applications were available online. The Clerk received two applications over the past few days.
WD/D/16/001934 (FUL) & WD/D/16/002023 (LBC) Little Thatch, Mill Lane, Bradford Abbas, Sherborne, Dorset. DT9 6RH Raise height of existing chimney to 1.2m & replace the existing chimney pot with an identical pot. No objections from the Councillors in attendance. The Clerk reported Cllr D Coffin had emailed no objections prior to the meeting.
Cllr D Hayward stated the work was needed in order to comply with building regulations for houses with thatch roofs. Cllr D Hayward was curious if a full planning application was needed or whether it was permitted development and he was aware of a similar property in a Conservation Area that had similar work done recently. He will investigate this and pass on the information. Action: Cllr D Hayward
WD/D/16/002090 (LBC) Old Downs, Church Road, Bradford Abbas. Recovering slate roof reusing existing slates where possible, salvageable existing slates will be used on the front of the elevation and new slates on the rear. The application arrived the day before the Parish Council Meeting. The Councillors did not have time to review the application prior to the meeting. The Clerk will request a delay until the 12th November.
- West Dorset District Council Planning Notifications
WD/D/16/001406 Peel Centre Retail Park, Babylon Hill, Bradford Abbas. This application was approved by the Development Control Committee.
WD/D/16/001442 Mill Farm, Bradford Abbas. Demolition & rebuild front boundary wall, change of use from agricultural to use as a residential curtilage. The application was approved prior to the agreed extension deadline. Cllr D Hayward contacted the Case Officer, K Trevitt to discuss the Parish Council objections that were not taken into consideration when the final decision was made. The case officer responded to Cllr D Hayward, after reviewing the Parish Councils objections, it would not have changed the outcome. Cllr D Hayward requested the applicant was informed of the Parish Council objections, this was agreed by K Trevitt. Cllr D Hayward noted (District) Cllr R Legg informed the Chairman of the Development Committee that the Parish Council did not have the opportunity to submit their consultation prior to the decision. It was resolved no further action is necessary.
The Clerk spoke to a representative of WDDC Conservation in order to enquire if they were consulted on this application (WD/D/16/001442). The Clerk was informed Conservation is only consulted if the planning application requires it, otherwise it is to the discretion of the Case Officer to consult Conservation. The Clerk suggested the Councillors should take this into consideration when making comments, it should not be assumed Conservation is consulted.
Cllr T Hunt reiterated Cllr I Houston’s concerns from the last meeting that the Mill Farm applications are dramatically changing the landscape of the area with each application.
Cllr D Hayward reported he received a phone call from the Primary School Head Teacher concerning the new classroom and stating that DCC is considering changing the colour from that in the planning applications to a shade of grey. The school was not in favour of this. Cllr D Hayward contacted DCC and was informed they had action from the Planning Committee to do this as it was more in keeping with existing school buildings, but they would attempt to reach a compromise with the school. One neighbour was not in favour of the original proposed colour and one was in favour.
- Churchwell Street Stone Wall
This item was discussed at length as in the past the Parish Council has objected to planning applications creating pedestrian entrances in what is felt to be a historically significant stone wall. On three occasions the Parish Council has noted objections to WDDC, two pedestrian accesses and one vehicle access. The Clerk spoke to a Sherborne solicitor and was informed it would be a difficult and lengthy process (and possibly expensive) to take ownership of the wall as the land was not to be used for a purpose for the community (ie play equipment, green space). Cllr I Houston suggested writing to the residents of Churchwell Lane and Wessex Drive in order to obtain their views. It was resolved to discuss this at the next meeting when more councillors were present.
- Tree Applications
No new applications.
- Affordable Housing
Cllr D Hayward spoke to the land owner of the proposed site for the affordable housing. The owner of the land is concerned the village, as a whole, was not in favour of affordable housing and the residents of the affordable homes will not have direct link to the village.
The Clerk suggested it may be something for the Annual Parish Meeting in April with a representative of Hastoe in attendance. Cllr D Hayward will speak to Mr Peter Friend to reiterate the landowners concerns. Action: Cllr D Hayward
- Planning Applications:
- Matters Arising / Actions Taken
- Website
The Clerk was having a problem submitting several payments over £100 with the same date. Cllr I Houston will look into any issues. Cllr D Hayward asked if pdf documents could be put up on the website to be viewed. Cllr I Houston confirmed it could be but it would not be searchable, they would need to know where to find the document in detail. Action: Cllr I Houston
The Clerk received an invoice to be paid from Amazon Web Services for $12.42. Cllr I Houston reviewed the invoice and felt it correct. The Clerk will pay the invoice. Action: Clerk
- Design Statement
Nothing to report.
- Defibrillators
The Clerk received confirmation from the South Western Ambulance payment was received. A letter was received from Mr T Jacklin stating the grant received was for the defibrillators raised by residents of the village. The Clerk will contact Kate Fisher to request when we should receive delivery of the defibrillators. Action: Clerk
- Safe Cycle Route to Yeovil
The Clerk received a phone call from a resident interested in learning more about the cycle route and hoped it would be a footpath as well. Cllr I Houston had a few interested parties contact him directly. Cllr I Houston and P Clark will upload maps on the website and bring them to the meeting next month noting the proposed route could be the disused railway route. Cllr I Houston suggested a working group could be established. Action: Cllrs P Clark and I Houston
- Website
- County Councillor, District Councillor and Officer Reports
Trees: Cllr L Bennett was not present.
Footpaths: Cllr S Longdon was not present. The Clerk reported the items from the previous meeting concerning Mill Lane signpost and kissing gate. Cllr D Hayward trimmed the overhanging brambles on the Higher Westbury footpath. He will speak to the owners nearest to the entrance concerning their overhanging trees. At the time of the meeting the Clerk had not heard from Mr Ackerley concerning the recently fenced in footpath near Peachy Fields/Mill Farm and Smith’s Bridge.
A few kind volunteer will clear the footpath between the Grange and Tudor Cottage of the dead weeds and others have cleared Churchwell Street weeds near the litter bin.
Village Hall: Cllr T Hunt reported the committee continue to work on policies and are planning movie nights beginning in October.
Cllr I Houston and Cllr D Hayward attended the Reshaping the Council Workshop. They agreed it was the first of a few sessions and felt the latter sessions may include some answers to the questions raised. The Clerk noted the Parish Council could complete a questionnaire concerning the upcoming reshaping of the council. Cllr D Hayward will complete the questionnaire relaying the Councillors concerns to sparsity and geography of the reorganisation. Action: Cllr D Hayward
- Highways
- Fingerposts
Cllr I Houston reported he has put the document on the website Cllr D Hayward prepared for the councillors. Cllr D Hayward noted the work that has been completed to the Westubury/ Bishops Lane fingerpost. He distributed the costs prior to the meeting via email. The Councillors in attendance approved all costs.
The Clerk contacted the Castleton Clerk to request permission, and a possible contribution, to refurbish the fingerpost on Bradford Road and Park Lodge. She is on holiday at the moment, no reply received.
- Peel Centre Noise Complaints
The Clerk received communications from a resident on Compton Road noting several evenings between 9pm and midnight cars were racing in the car parks of the Peel Centre. The Clerk forwarded the emails to the District and County Councillors. It was concluded on behalf of the Parish Council the Clerk will write to PC Moore, PSCO Jones and the Peel Centre Management Company alerting them to the complaints received. Action: Clerk
The Clerk reported the weight restriction sign on the A30 is twisted on
- Any other Highways Matters
The Clerk received an estimate from Mr Bide of £260 to clean the 3 millennium stones. It was resolved to proceed with this estimate as Mr Bide is a stone mason and will carry out the work sympathetically.
Cllr D Hayward reported he received a telephone call from the resident noting vegetation was dumped along the Fanny Brooks Lane footpath. The Clerk will report the flytipping. Action: Clerk
- Fingerposts
- Report from Playing Field Committee
- Playing Field Inspection Reports
The Clerk noted on her inspection report a dent at the seam of the skate ramp needs filling. Cllr D Hayward reported the Churchwell Street entrance gate needs adjusting. Action: Cllr D Hayward
Cllr D Hayward has repainted the seesaw and the top of the toddler swings. Mr J Metcalf approached Cllr D Hayward asking if the Parish Council would like the playing field side of the border with the Churchyard cleared or tidied as he has been asked by the Church to clear their side of the border. After a discussion it was concluded the Parish Council would not, at this time, clear the playing field border as the priority is to spend money on a the pieces of equipment that need to be repaired. Cllr D Hayward will speak to Mr Metcalf. Action: Cllr D Hayward
The Clerk has had confirmation from Wessex Water the hole nearest to the seesaw is not a fouls sewer drain owned by Wessex Water. Cllr D Hayward will follow up on this as he feels it maybe a culvert. Action: Cllr D Hayward
- Repairs
The Clerk has contacted Mr Hopkins concerning the repairs needed to the climbing frame support, toddler unit panel and zip wire platform.
- Playing Field Inspection Reports
- Grants & Donations
The Clerk received a letter confirming the bank deposit of £2,800 from the village hall is a donation for the defibrillators from the residents of the village.
- Financial Accounts to include accounts for payment
The 2 cheques presented prior to the meeting were approved for payment. One for the Clerk’s wages £192.33 and D Hayward £119.04 (fingerpost supplies). It was agreed to pay £114 to John Ateyo for the welding repairs to the fingerpost. The Clerk has not yet received the invoice. It was also resolved to reimburse Cllr D Hayward £14.00 for the gift for the internal auditor.
An updated spreadsheet indicating the budget spent the financial year was emailed prior to the meeting to all Parish Councillors.
The external audit was completed by BDO. A few minor issues were raised: box 9 should have been ‘N/A’ but was left blank, the accounts were approved after the commencement of the inspection period of the exercise of electors’ rights and assest register should contain the date acquired, purchase cost and location held. Cllr D Hayward will help the Clerk complete the asset register. The Clerk will ensure the laptop and defibrillators are added to the register before the end of the financial year. Action: Cllr D Hayward & Clerk
The Clerk acknowledges the timing of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting was 24 hours after the electors’ rights but the parish council meetings are set before the schedule is received from BDO.
- Correspondences
The Clerk will need to change the parish clerk’s address to a .gov address. DAPTC registered address earlier in the year and by the end of the year it will need to be implemented.
The Clerk received an email from Jack Creeber, Interim Parking & Transport Manager for Dorset Partnership concerning a consultation on proposed changes to the car parking charges. Responses with Parish Council Comments are due by 17th October. The Clerk will forward documents to the Councillors.
An email was received from Emily McCurdy, Dorset Highways concerning grit bins. The Clerk has asked the Councillors to take a look at their nearest grit bin to see if it needs filling and possibly break up the grit as it may be solid. Please let the Clerk know if a container is needed for spreading the grit. Action: All Cllrs
Cllr I Houston asked if the Clerk could report the potholes outside Kendala Cottage, North Street. Action: Clerk
- Items for the Pennant
Fingerpost ongoing repairs a parish council led community effort, Safe Cycling and Walking Route to Yeovil, thank you to the volunteers that tidy up areas throughout the village.
- Any Other Information/Items for November Agenda
​​​​​​​Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 8th November 2016
7:30pm Bradford Abbas Village Hall Committee Room.
The meeting closed at 10:05pm.