Present: Cllrs L Bennett, P Clark, D Coffin, S Longdon, J Thomas
In Attendance: Mrs. SE Hillier (Clerk), one member of the public and Cllr R Legg (Dorset)
1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence: Cllr Bennett welcomed attendees to the meeting. Apologies were received from Cllr I Houston. Good wishes were sent for his speedy recovery.
2. Co-Option of new Councillor: Following the resignation of Cllr T Hunt the casual vacancy had been advertised. There being no response to this the Council agreed to co-opt to the vacancy. Mr. Stephen Hillier was proposed by Cllr Bennett and seconded by Cllr Longdon. Mr. Hillier was elected nem con. A declaration of acceptance to the position of Councillor was received from Cllr Hillier.
A letter of resignation was received from Cllr Bennett from the position of Chairman.
3. To elect a Chairman to the Council: No nominations were received in advance, Mr. Hillier was nominated by Cllr Clark and seconded by Cllr Coffin. There being no other nominations Cllr Hillier was elected nem con. Cllr Hillier briefly addressed the meeting.
4. To receive the Chairman's Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Duly received.
5. To elect a Vice-Chairman to the Council: Cllr Thomas was nominated from the floor, proposed by Cllr Coffin, seconded by Cllr Longdon. This was agreed unanimously.
6. To receive the Vice-Chairman's Declaration of Acceptance of Office This was duly received.
7. To appoint representatives to Outside Bodies:
- Tree Preservation Officer - Cllr Coffin
- Pennant & Heritage - left open
- Rights of Way - Cllr Longdon
- Village Hall - Cllr Bennett
- Community Land Trust - Cllr Clark
8. To appoint Councillors to Working Groups
- Playing Field - Cllrs Clark, Bennett, Longdon and Cllr Houston.
- Neighbourhood Plan - Cllrs Thomas and Cllr Bennett.
- Climate Change - Cllr Houston.
- Telephone Box - Cllr Thomas and Cllr Longdon.
- Website - Cllr Clark and Cllr Houston.
9. To consider the payment of annual subscriptions: it was agreed to continue to pay DAPTC (Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils), Website payments and ICO (Information Commissioner's Office).
10. To receive Declarations of Interest: There were no changes to those previously declared. Cllr Hillier would complete in due course.
11. To approve the minutes of the Meetings held on 8th March and 2nd May: These had been circulated previously and were accepted as due and accurate record. Proposed Cllr Longdon, seconded Cllr Coffin.
Public period for comments and issues on the agenda (up to 15 minutes allocated). There were no members of the public present. Cllr Legg addressed the meeting:
- There was to be a public consultation on the speed reduction on the A 30 to 60mph. It was suggested that Bradford Abbas talk with Queens Thorn Parish Council to agree responses.
- He had received e-mails from 2 households complaining about noise on the hill behind the business park. Councillors were sympathetic to the problem for local residents but felt that here was little that the Parish Council could do as the land was privately owned by either the Peel Centre or golf club. In the past concrete blocks had been positioned and these had just been moved away and the police had visited. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of complaint.
12. To receive officer reports:
- Village Hall - A new oil tank had been installed. The playgroup had replaced their old wooden shed with a metal one. The finances were at a normal level. Cllr Bennett.
13. To receive updates from Working Groups:
- Telephone Box - Cllr Thomas reported that the 'Coronation Coach' had created a lot of interest and publicity having been featured in local newspapers, television and even reported in Australia!. Thanks were given to the designer and all those who helped with its construction and development. The planting troughs had been filled with flowers in red, white and blue. On 2nd June there had been 10 'open gardens' and even the pony opened its stable! The next venture was to be the planting of spring bulbs.
- Climate Group - no report.
- Neighbourhood Plan - Cllr Thomas (NP Chairman) reported that meetings continued on a monthly basis. Somem members had net with an architectural engineer who had visited the area and looked at both villages, important hedgerows with the aim of producing a design statement. They had also met with the Community Land Trust. The next step, following on from the successful resident's questionnaire is to develop a questionnaire for businesses including the Peel Centre. Later in the year there would be another public meeting to update residents. A new Grant had been applied for.
- Web site - nothing to report.
14. Highways Issues: Cllr Coffin reported that she had engaged in some strimming of weeds around the area. A number of the finger posts required some work and she would engage with an organisation in Bridport who may be able to help with this. Cllr Coffin was thanked for her help in this matter.
15. Planning Applications: P/HOU/2023/03486 and P/LBC/2023/03487 3 Westbury, Bradford Abbas. To erect a single story extension (demolish existing conservatory). The application was discussed, the footprint of the new structure is essentially the same as with the conservatory. It was agreed to support the application.
Saxon Maybank - Cllr Legg reported that this application may come to the July Dorset planning meeting but it was more likely going to be in September.
Village Shop - It was noted that the Parish Council had attended the meeting and made representation. The application had been passed by a vote of 4:3 at the Dorset Planning meeting. Cllr Legg noted that not all Dorset Councillors had been present.
16. Playing Field: The Clerk reported that Councillor inspection reports had been received. Cllr Clark noted that the waste bins were full and he did not feel that Councillors should be responsible for emptying them. The Clerk was instructed to investigate employing a contractor to empty them.
17. Financial Accounts:
- The payments due were presented and considered. These were accepted. Proposed Cllr Bennett, seconded Cllr Longdon.
- The Internal Audit Report for 2022-23 was presented.
- Section 1 of the Annual Return 2022-2023 was presented and approved.
- Section 2 of the Annual Return 2022-2023 was presented and approved.
18. Correspondence Received:
- Bus Service Initiative. Yetminster and Rhyme Intrinsica Parish Council were investigating interest in the possibility of re-introducing a local bus service servicing the villages. They were looking into possible grants and companies who might get involved. They were asking for representatives to meet with them. Cllr Thomas and Cllr Hillier indicated an interest.
- Enquiries had been received regarding D-Day celebrations in June 2024. The Telephone Box group suggested that they may be interested. The Clerk to forward information to them. (Cllr Legg left the meeting at 8.30pm)
19. Items for the Pennant Change in Chairman, Noise on hill.
Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 5th September 2023 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.
Financial information for 4th July 2023 meeting
Current Account
£10,293.61 Account Balance reported at 2nd May Meeting
£ 184.00 Clerk Salary S Hillier (1)
£ 13.33 Expenses (Paper) S Hillier
£ 331.29 DAPTC Annual Subscription
Direct Debits
£0.25 AWS EMEA – hosting June
£64.79 LCN Domain Renewal
£0.25 AWS EMA - July
£ 9,695.65 Account Balance as at 3rd July 2023
Deposit Account
£13,378.17 account balance reported at 2nd May Meeting
£7.72 RECEIPT interest
£8.53 RECEIPT interest
£13,394.42 Account Balance as at 3rd July 2023
£23090.07 Total in all accounts
Proposed payments
£187.60 Clerk salary (2) May
£63.00 Computer Support (screen malfunction payable to S Hillier)
£187.60 Clerk salary (3) June
£128.00 Hall Hire – 16 hours
£187.60 Clerk Salary (4) July
£140.60 HMRC re PAYE
£150.00 Internal Audit
£1044.40 Total
Min 2023-24 1-3