I recently reported that Openreach stated that the FTTP (Fibre to the Premises) infrastructure would be complete by 31st October.
Some residents have contacted their retail ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and are now enjoying the new service.
At the same time, others of us have received an email from culture.gov.uk saying that "We have also written to Openreach today to remind them that your installation needs to be completed within four weeks to avoid cancellation of the voucher"
I have spoken to OpenReach today and this is what I now understand:
- Yes, OpenReach still stand by their estimate of 31st October by which time their infrastructure work will be done. They will then email us and then it's up to our retail Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like BT. TalkTalk etc. to connect us.
- Don't worry about the email from culture.gov.uk. OpenReach will either negotiate an extension to the vouchers' validity or foot the bill themselves.
- OpenReach infrastructure is already complete in much of the village - e.g. Church Road and north to the railway.
- Some residents are now enjoying the new service.
- North of the railway, some poles shared by both electricity supply and fibre cables need to be renewed and both SSE and OpenReach need to be present when they do this.
- SSE and OpenReach have coordinated this pole renewal with Dorset Council Highways with road closures on 19-20th September (North Street and Back Lane) and 22-23 September (in Higher Westbury) per the map below.
- Some residents, like those in Manor Close and Ambrose Close, require some digging as premises are currently connected not via conduits but by buried armoured cable
For those of you wondering when you'll be getting a more reliable (FTTP) internet connection, I hope that this puts your mind at rest.
Please contact me if you have any questions that you'd like me to ask OpenReach