Expense items over £100
Full details of these and previous items of expenditure are available from the Parish Clerk
Expense date | Purpose of expense | Expense amount | Expense V.A.T. |
Clerk's Wage - month 9 | £209.34 | £0.00 | |
HAGS Zip Wire Repairs | £300.00 | £0.00 | |
Grass Cutting - Playing fields | £1,365.00 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 8 | £209.34 | £0.00 | |
P Bide - Millennium Stone Cleaning | £260.00 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 6 | £209.34 | £0.00 | |
Parish Council Insurance | £375.21 | £0.00 | |
DAPTC Annual Subscription | £293.44 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 5 | £209.34 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 4 | £209.34 | £0.00 | |
M Hopkin - Repairs to play equipment | £495.00 | £0.00 | |
Donation to Maintenance of Churchyard | £500.00 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 3 | £209.34 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 2 | £209.34 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 1 | £209.34 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 12 | £192.33 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 11 | £192.33 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Wage - month 10 | £192.33 | £0.00 | |
Grass Cutting - Playing fields | £1,105.00 | £0.00 | |
Clerk's Expenses (incl website costs) | £137.40 | £0.00 |
About the items of expenditure
From the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities :13. Smaller authorities should publish the details of each individual item of expenditure above £100.
Publishing a complete list of expenditure transactions will also meet this requirement.
Expenditure information should be published for each individual spending transaction above £100 rather than each item bought.
15. Copies of all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other related documents do not need to be published, but should remain available for inspection during the specified inspection period set out under regulation 14 of the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015, or under any equivalent regulations made under section 32 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. The right to inspect can be exercised on giving reasonable notice.