Parish Council Meeting via Videoconference
Agenda for Ordinary Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday, 10 November 2020
- Welcome and to receive apologies for absence
- To receive declarations of interests
- To approve the minutes from the October meeting
- To discuss Dorset Council planning applications
- To receive officer reports
- To discuss local footpath issues
- To receive a telephone box working group update
- Community Land Trust update
- To receive a war memorial update
- Missing names plaques
- D Hayward Memorial bench
- To receive a village plan update to include neighbourhood plan discussion
- To discuss the website updates
- To discuss the Government's Ultrafast Broadband Scheme
- To discuss the Climate Change Emergency Working Group
- To discuss any highways issues
- To review the playing field inspection reports and future budget
- Financial Accounts
- To consider any grants or donations
- To consider November payments
- To discuss the 2021/22 budget
- Correspondences received
- Items for the Pennant
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Passcode: 176458
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